Young Justice x Warrior Reader

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⚔️You are 16
⚔️Your costumes you kings and queens.


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⚔️You received the sword of Excalibur from a Alexander Elliot, your former sword fighting mentor(In this he's about 70, its a fanfic okay), who passed down the sword to you

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⚔️You received the sword of Excalibur from a Alexander Elliot, your former sword fighting mentor(In this he's about 70, its a fanfic okay), who passed down the sword to you.
⚔️You meet the team after an incident.
"Alexander I'm going to kill you!" You screamed as you ran away from a demons.
You were sent on a quest by Alex to see why demons were suddenly reappearing. You jumped over the one demon and sliced its head off. You quickly turned around and struck another in the chest. For the final one you quickly dodged its attack and stabbed it from behind.
"Well this was unexpected" you heard someone say.
You turned around and saw a young man who looked Atlantean.
"Team I found the one summoning the demons" he said.
"Hey first of all-" you were suddenly pricked in the back of the neck.
"Come on-"
⚔️It gets better.
"Hey is this kid-" you punched whoever was is front of you.
You jumped up and grabbed your sword. You got into a fight stance but were quickly outnumbered.
"So your the one summoning the demons?" Superboy asked.
"If you would have asked before, NO!" You said angrily.
"Sorry about that then" Robin said.
"Thank you," you that started walking away "now if you don't mind, I have to go, good day".
⚔️Here is were it starts getting interesting.
"What do you mean I'm joining a team?" You asked Alexander.
"It's time you learned to work with others" he tells you.
"It's final (Y/N), besides, you might like them" he tells you.
Next Day
"Team, meet (H/N), your new member" Black Canary.
"So we meet again" you said with a mischievous smirk.
⚔️You are loyal.
You were with the team fighting some of Demons when suddenly one of them tries to hit Robin.
You quickly swung Excalibur and the demon was no more.
"You good" you asked him.
"Yea, thanks" he then proceeded to get up.
What you didn't see was that a certain Atlantean was looking at your with hearts in his eyes.
⚔️You love babies.
After a recent attack in public from One of Lex Luther's robots you and the team were helping civilians.
You heard crying and saw a baby carriage underneath someone ruble.
You quickly ran and started to dig.
You pulled out a small child no more than a year old.
"Shhh, it's okay little one, it's okay" you whisper to the child.
You soon started singing a little lullaby. Soon the child was fast asleep.
You soon went to Batman.
"Sir, I found this-" you then saw Wonder Woman and a man comforting a woman cry while she held on what seemed to be a stuffed animal. You heard the woman crying "my baby".
You walked over to her.
"Madam, I presume this is yours" you said showing her the baby.
"Jose!," she took him from your arms and cradled him closely to her chest "thank you, thank you so much" she tells you.
"It alright, it's my job as a hero" you tell them.
You smiled and walked away with the thoughts of your own family.
⚔️You have quite the large family.
"So, your good with kids?" Nightwing asked.
"I guess you could say that, I mean, I have quite a large family" you tell him.
"Really, I thought you were a only child" Megan confusingly tells you.
"Nope, the oldest out of ten" you tell them.
"Out of what?!" Wally asked.
"Ten, you see I was born first, when I was two my mother had triplets, then when I was six she had quadruplets, and when I was 10 she had twins, so yes, I have quite a large family," you tell them "my mother is a lawyer and has a successful law firm, while my father is a brain surgeon and owns a hospital operated by his family for generations, so they make more than enough money to support my family, they had me before they graduated law and medical school and after that they wanted a big family, and to be honest I would like some kids to, but not ten".
⚔️You challenged the team to see who can pick up Excalibur.
"It's impossible!" Wally said as he walked away from the sword stuck in the ground.
"Well, lets just put it this way," you picked up Excalibur swiftly "none of you are worthy"(yea see what I did).
The room broke out into laughter.
⚔️When you find out Kaldur betrayed the team, things were not good.
"Hey Nightwing, I got your alert, what's-" then you saw it.
Nightwing was on the ground in pain and Kaldur was standing in front of him.
"K-Kaldur?" You asked.
You hadn't seen him in months.
"(Y/N), good to see you finally arrived" he tells you as he walked towards you.
No. This isn't right. This man was not your Kaldur. You quickly drew Excalibur from its shish.
"P-Please stop, I don't want to do this" you tell him on the verge of tears.
He walk towards you.
"P-Please" you whispered.
He didn't. You swung Excalibur at him in hopes of stopping him.
He grabbed Excalibur and threw it across the room.
You then punched him. Again and again you punched him.
They were getting weaker and soon were just small hits.
"W-why?," you said as you cried "why, why are you doing this?".
"I'm done being a sidekick" he tells you.
"No you weren't a sidekick," you tell him "you were my friend".
You then felt a prick in your neck.
⚔️things don't get any better.
When you woke up you were at home.
You had a broken arm and some smaller wounds.
You received a notification from Batman stating that Mount Justice was destroyed but you were lucky to be taken out of it before things could have gotten worse. After that you were quite.
Your mother and father came into your room.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" your father asked.
"No," you looked at them in tears "no I'm not".
They came and comforted you as you broke down.
You cried.
You cried for yourself.
You cried for your team.
You cried for your first love.
⚔️Things start to get better.
You heard a knock from your room door. It was only you home. You grabbed a hard book from your desk and slowly walked towards the door.
"Whose there?!" You asked.
"It's me" you heard a familiar voice say.
You dropped the book and opened the door. You saw a familiar face.
"Kaulder," you said backing up "what-how?".
"Please (Y/N), let me explain?" He asked you.
"Talk" you said looking at the ground.
He explained why he did everything. How he pretended to betray the team. How he did it to end the Light.
How Nightwing, Artemis, and Wally were apart of it.
"So now your not a bad guy?" Your asked.
"And now your part of the league again?".
"You weren't trying to kill me?"
"And that means no more tricking other to believing that there own friend betrayed them to become a villain to follow there fathers footsteps?" You asked.
"Yes" he said chuckling.
"Good, because that means I can do this" you grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down to your hight and kissed him.
Soon you pulled away.
"I think you owe me a apology," you said moving your broken arm "let's see, how about dinner and a movie at five to tomorrow".
"I would be honored" he tells you.
Yea, things get way better.
You noticed a bruise on his face.
⚔️Before that he had a run in with your siblings.
"Excuse me, do you know were (Y/N) (L/N) lives?" Kaldur asked a child.
"Yea, are you Kaldur?" He asked.
"Yes, why-"
"Get him!"
Soon he was being chased by nine angry kids and a dog. Luckily he explained why he need to see you.
"So are you and (Y/N)-"
"Going to get married"
The twin asked.
"I would hope to in the future" he tells them.
The twins looked at each other and then back at him.
"We approve" they both said.
If the twins approve then the rest approved.
"Fine, but if you hurt our (Y/N) again" one of triplets tell him.
"U-Understood" he said nervously.
Hope you enjoyed this cringe disaster.

Me when I first watched Young Justice

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Me when I first watched Young Justice.

? x young Reader ONE-SHOTS PART 2Where stories live. Discover now