BNHA x Giant Panda Reader

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🐼Your quirk is called panda time. You have the basic abilities of a Giant Panda. You can extend your nails to make claws and you have a killer bite. You are also really strong. You have to eat bamboo from time to time so you carry a little snack pouch with bamboo cookies in it. You don't need to eat it as much as a wild Giant Panda.
For being part Giant Panda you are actually short and slender. On your head you have two cute panda ears.
🐼The time you fight is a quite amusing incident.
"GET IT OFF!" A villain yelled in pain as you bit his arm.
Why were you biting his arm?. Well he decided it was a good idea to use you as a hostage. When pros arrived they didn't expect you to be attacking.
"(Y/N) let go of that mans arm this instant!" Shūzenji Chiyo yelled at her (granddaughter/grandson).
"Okay grangran" you said as you finally released the arm and went to your grandmothers side.
Soon the villain was taken away and you were being praised by heroes.
"Being Recovery Girl's grandchild and not having a healing quirk, how did you manage to defeat a villain twice your size?" A reporter asked you.
You opened your mouth to reveal four canines that are razor-sharp.
"Oh" the reporter said nervously.
"Come now (Y/N), you wouldn't want to miss your first day of high school would you" Recovery girl said.
You ran to her side on the way to UA. Why? 
To become a hero of course.
🐼Don't mess with the cookies.
You walked to see to guys yelling at each other so you decided to go find a seat and eat your cookies.
"And you, eating in class is not very mature of a future hero!" Iida tells you.
You brought the cookies close to you and in a dangerous tone said "Mine".
You stared him down as he backed up and then returned to eating a cookie.
🐼You love hugs.
"You look sad," you tell Mina as she looked at desk after getting a low grade on a recent test "you wanna hug?" 
"Awww, your to kind" she said happily accepting your hug.
"Lucky" Uraraka said.
That was how you ended up giving everyone (except Mineta) a hug.
You had to chase Bakugou down to give him one.
🐼When the sport festival came around you went with the smart solution.
When the battles came around it was you vs Shoto. Once given the go you turned around and started to walk of the battle ground.
"What are you doing?!" Midnight asked.
"There is a line between being brave and being idiotic," you tell her "if I fight a dude with the ability to control ice and fire who is currently a foot taller than me, has a muscle mass twice as mine, I'm guaranteed to lose, all that would be very idiotic. So I for fit. Good luck. I'm out".
You walk of the field. You like living thank you very much.
"Also I don't want Recovery Girl to get mad if I break a bone" you added.
"Understandable" Midnight grimaces.
🐼For your internship you went with Kirishima to Fatgums agency.
You walked beside Tamaki in content as you ate some bamboo that Fatgum had bought from a flower shop while you stared at it, your mouth watering.
"Wow, I didn't know you could eat actual bamboo" Kirishima tells you.
"It is very good" you tell him.
Just then a purse snatcher ran into your causing you to drop your bamboo.
Things didn't go well.
🐼You can turn into a PANDA! 
You fell asleep on the bus but got up once you heard a loud noise.
You walked of the bus to find everyone being thrown of a cliff.
Aizawa and the Wild Wild Pussycats looked at you.
"I'll just walk" you said as you started walking down a trail leading down the cliff. After a hour you saw the rock monster you noticed it was avoiding animals and went to the students.
"Well I know what I'm doing" you said as you undressed yourself and put your clothes in a small bag. You then started to change. It wasn't painful but a little weird. Soon you were a giant panda and started walking to the camp. You were gonna be stuck as a panda for at least 5 hours.
Soon you arrived at the camp. The others were already there.
"WHAT THE HECK!?" Denki yelled as you walked out the forest.
"Aren't giant pandas supposed shy?," Jiro asked "this one is acting like..."
It then clicked. There was only one person in the class that had a Panda quirk.
"(Y/N)!" They yelled.
You nodded your head.
"Omg your so cute!"
"Look at the toe beans!"
"So fluffy!"
The girls were codling you as the others watched.
"Did you know they could do this?" Mandalay asked Aizawa.
"No clue" he tells her.
🐼You love bamboo.
"Um, what's up with the Panda?" Sen asked as you sat at a table eating bamboo since that was the only thing you could eat in this form.
"That's (Y/N) moron" Bakugou said.
"Wow, so your class really are animals" Monama said.
With that you got up, walked over to Montana, tackled him to the ground, and sat on him.
As Monama struggled to get you off you thought 'I regret nothing'.
🐼Lets just say no one was prepared for angry you.
Everyone was used to chill, happy, eating bamboo all the time you.
Not a freaking monster of a child attacking a villain trying to rip there arm off and claw out there eyeballs.
But that's what happened.
You literally almost rip someone arm off.
"(Y/N), while I respect the fact that you tried to protect others, but what.the.heck?" Shoto asked.
"What do you expect?," you asked "I'm a giant panda, which is a bear. Never try fighting a bear".
🐼You can go loaf.
While on your way home from a walk you ran into a little girl who seemed frightened and scared. You saw her arms wrapped in bandages.
"Hello, I'm (Y/N)" you tell her.
"Help" she whimpered fearfully.
You heard some male voices and decided it was time.
To go. Loaf.
You quickly changed into a Panda and hid the girl under you. You then pulled all your paws and head under making it look like you were some old beanbag. They men looking for the girl passed by and as you predicted, didn't bother to check you.
'Okay so I got a girl that is probably abused and I'm stuck as a Panda, what now?,' You thought as you untucked yourself and looked around 'Find Izuku'
You sniffed the air. Once you found Izuku sent you followed it, he was actually really close by.
You placed the little girl on your back and started walking. 
🐼You like cuddles.
As you walked into the building were Izuku sent lead Eri cuddled you as she sleeps blissfuly. You we're okay with it.
As you walked up to a door were Izuku sent lead. You pawed at it until, as predicted, Izuku opened it. He looked at you and you looked at him. He took a deep breath and closed the door. There was a commotion inside before someone opened the door. Heroes stared at you as you sat there holding Eri in your paws.
"What. The. Heck. (Y/N)" Kirishima said as you huffed.
Eri cuddles closer to you just sat there.
🐼You like going loaf.
You sat as Detectives talked to Eri as you sat and ate some dried fish.
"Wow, I never seen a Panda up close before!" Mirio said excitedly as you munched on your snack.
"(Y/N), do you mind answering how exactly you escaped with Eri?" Nezu asked as you stopped eating.
You got up and walked to Eri she was way smaller than you so pulled her down. Once again you pulled your paws in and hid your head. Eri's giggles could be heard from underneath you. Once again you were a loaf.
"I see" Sir Nighteye said as he watched you un-loaf and walked away.
You got grasped your bag in your mouth and walked into the restrooms. A few minutes later your exited as human you.
"Hi" you said casually.
🐼You are always kind and give good advice.
You were in the grocery store about to leave when you someone. There was man in a wheelchair who was struggling to get a box of cereal.
"Hello, do you need help?" You ask him.
"Oh, if you don't mind" he tells you.
You got the box of cereal he was reaching for.
"Here," you gave the box of cereal to him "do you need more help?".
"I don't want to be a burden" he tells you.
"It alright to ask for help you know" you tell him.
He stared at you before chuckling.
"No one has talk to me like that in a while" he tells you.
"Well it's true," you say as you took the list from his hand "oh, the melons are on sale today".
"Thank you" he said.
After a while you helped him get the stuff on his list.
"See, asking for help is okay," you tell him "sometimes I need help to".
"Really, you look fine?" He asked you.
"I have autism," you tell him "I have trouble expressing certain emotions, understanding others, don't like looking people in the eyes, and I struggle with some subjects in school, but I have people who help me and I'm sure you do to, all you have to do is ask".
He stopped and looked at you.
"Huh, I never thought of it like that" he said.
"I know a lot of people who need help sometimes but didn't ask for if until I told them to," you tell him "one had dyslexia (Denki), another is deaf (Bakugou), and one just got away from there abusive family (Eri), after a while they got help and there doing better now".
"I think I get what your saying," he tells you but then got a look of realization "I never got to introduce myself, I'm Tensei Iida".
"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)," you looked at your phone and saw the time "I'm sorry but I have to go home, have a nice day".
"You to" Tensei said as you walked away.
That night he thought to himself.
'It's alright to ask for help'.
Those words were engraved in is memory. You made it clear to him that getting help was okay.
"Well, mom was suggesting me seeing a therapist" he said to himself.
'Getting help is okay'. 
Hope you enjoyed and sorry if the ending gave you the feels.

I typed in panda loaf in google and this came up

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I typed in panda loaf in google and this came up.

? x young Reader ONE-SHOTS PART 2Where stories live. Discover now