Criminal Minds X Teen reader

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You do Parkour, post videos to YouTube, and are 14
It was supposed to be a normal live stream. Not this. You covered your mouth forgetting about your camera. There was a hooded figure standing above a dead body with a rope. Stepping back your foot landed on a broken glass causing the figure to look up and spot you. Without a second glance you ran. The figure started to chase. You climbed up a fire escape not knowing your viewers were calling police, recording there screens, or just yelling at you to run faster. You finally managed to make it to the rooftop before running again. The figure managed to finally make it on top as well before pulling out a gun and firing in your direction. Luckily this person had terrible aim and you managed to make it to the next building and clime into a ally and hide behind a dumpster. You took of the go pro and stop the stream. But the police of Brooklyn were now receiving many phone calls about a murder. And there only whiteness for a chain of murders is the only person with footage. Which could help the police but put you in danger. A detective then decided it was time to get the BAU involved.
"Well I hope you guys are ready for a trip because we are heading to Brooklyn NY!"Penelope tells the team as she pulls up some pictures "there have been a string for of murders involving men and women".
"It says here that there was a whiteness" Derek said looking up from his paper.
"Well there is one," Penelope pulled up the footage from your video "but the thing is, we can't find them".
"What do you mean?" Rossi asked.
"Well apparently the whiteness is known as 'Blanc De Hotot', which is also a rabbit breed," she said pulling up your channel on the screen "there a YouTuber who specializes in parkour and is best known to be uncatchable".
"It says here they're nearly impossible to catch and an article says "when 'Blanc De Hotot' was almost caught it was by a stalker, but the stalker ended up breaking a leg and arm due to them falling off a fence when trying to catch them" Spencer said after reading the file.
"Well can't you just hack into there Chanel and the get information?" Derek asked as he looked over the case file.
"I tried and well... I can't"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean this coding used in the files are no newbie," she said pulling up your codes "it's like they either made it from scratch or had it made so, so its taking a while to crack them".
"The police also think that Blanc may be at risk since they were the ones who saw the Unsub up close" Rossi was looking at Hotch waiting for his call.
"Wheels up in thirty".
You deleted the live stream recording from the channel, but it was two late. People have already recorded the murder or screen recorded your live stream, leaving your video for the world to see. You laid in your bed holding Tea, ironically a Blanc de Hotot, close to you considering she was your only family. All you thought was what the hell was gonna happen now?.
"-we can try guilt tripping Blanc" Reid suggested when they were trying to draw out Blanc.
"Why guilt tripping?" Emily asked as she watched the video.
"Think about it," he pulled up the footage of you running away "They whiteness a murder and run away, and look," fast forwarding the video to you hiding it showed you panicking and rubbing your hands on your face, and when withdrawn, tears could be seen in your hands "Blanc feels remorse and guilt for running away and if we have a memorial for Stacy (the victim) they may come to the memorial were we may be able to confront them".
"But that could also lead to the Unsub coming to the memorial" Arron added.
"Well do we have any other options?"
The room went quite.
"I'll talk to Stacy and the other victims families" the Detective said walking out the room.
You heard about the memorial for the victims and felt like you needed to go. You watch the girl die, it was only fair that you went to pay some respects. With a arrangement of Daisies you watched on a rooftop from the shadows as the victims families came and talked respectively. You watched as mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and more families talk about the ones they lost. It made you feel horrible. As the last person left you secured your face masks,claimed down, and went to go place the daisies at Stacy's memorial. Then you heard footsteps behind you. Quickly turning around you saw two police officers and some other people.
"Hey there Blanc, we just want to talk" Emily said moving closer to you as you started to get nervous, which caused you to start backing up.
"We just need to talk about what happened the night when Stacy-" But you then saw one of the officers taking his gun out the holster, which you saw as danger, so you ran. Derek, Arron, Reid, And Emily chased after you while the detective took the officers gun and said "what the hell are you doing?!".
You ran to a dumpster and climbed on a fire escape with Derek on your heels. But then saw it, a perfect but risky escape. There was a few pipes clustered together, connecting to buildings, which you could walk across, but the risky part was that there was nothing to catch you if you fall. Slowly you made your way across, not daring to look down, and when you finally made it across your released your breath and start to run once more when you heard yells and cries behind you. Apparently, Spencer tried to follow you but slipped and was now hanging on to a pipe. You contemplated your options before crawling onto the pipe and helping Spencer shuffle to the rooftop and clime on. Pulling him up you quickly moved back as Spencer caught his breath, and started to get up. Running away you turned back and saw Spencer being checked on by his team. You ran but left a note that said a few simple words. "Meet behind Nicks pizza place at 1 am" .
As you quickly ran home you noticed your back door was unlocked. This house was abandoned and only you had the keys, so you quietly closed the back door and made your way to your bedroom window. Once there you locked your door and put a chair under your door knob. Maybe you were being paranoid but that was until you heard someone trying to open your door. Quickly you found Teas harness and put it on her before putting her in her carrier. You grabbed your to got bag that contained your computer and other necessities.
As you climbed out the window your door broke down and said intrude went to the window where they shot at you, to which a bullet skimmed your arm, leaving a nasty scar, but you were long gone before he could fire again, holding the carrier close to your body as you made your way to your destination.
"Are we sure there gonna come here?, this place was closed down years ago?" Derek was sitting on the car hood impatiently with Reid.
"This is are best shot to catch the Unsub" Reid told Derek as they heard movement behind the care. They ran to the back were they saw you. You held a bag close to you while paying to mind to your bloody arm. They tried to move close to you but you backed up nervously.
"Hey, it's just us two, no one else," Derek reassured you as he takes a step closer and showed you his badge "we just want to help".
"Blanc, I know your scared but we need to take you somewhere safe so your not in danger anymore, we just need to get in the truck and take you to the police station and-" you looked as if you were about to run "I promise no one will harm you, we just need to fix your arm and ask some questions, that's it".
You reluctantly nodded and cautiously climbed in the back of the car. As you held Teas carrier close to you as Derek started up the car while Reid sat in the back with you. You moved to the far end and rested your head against the window. You refused to let anyone touch your arm until you made it to the station where a medic checked over your wound. She disinfected it and wrapped it with a bandage saying it wasn't deep enough for stitches but two be gentle with it for a week at most. You were then moved to a room. There you were left alone to recuperate and eat some snacks they left for you. As you ate some cookies you heard scratching from the carrier so you let Tea out so she can stretch her legs, as well as giving her a piece of celery. As she nibbles the door opens. There is Emily . You grab onto Tea before moving to a chair on the far side of the table.
"Hello Blanc, I'm Agent Emily Prentiss and I'm here to ask a few questions if that's alright," Emily notice Tea in your grasp "was she the one in that carrier you had?"
You nodded.
"She looks cute" she tells you as you bring Tea closer.
"Okay, well lets start by asking a few simple questions, first your name?" She looks at you as you look at the ground as she stopped the recording.
"Okay, how about this, are you comfortable with releasing private information?"
You shook your head.
"Okay, what about talking, because if you can talk that would help use tremendously" she tells you.
You contemplate for a while before whispering a faint little "Okay".
"Good, on the night of Stacy Lopez murder, you saw the murder?"
"Now did you personally know Stacy?"
"Okay, do you remember the murders face or body traits?"
"They looked male, and he was wight, a-and I saw some brown curly hair," you said nervously "but he was wearing a hoodie".
"Great job, now-"
"But something changed" you said abruptly.
"What do you mean?"
"He attacked me" you said.
"He found where I l-lived and caught me of guard, so I grabbed Tea and ran?" You held tea closer as she gave you little kisses.
"Thank you for telling me, this information is very important" she said trying to touch your hand but you flinch away. She looks at you before leaving you be.
"Garcia just got knew information on Blanc and said we all might want to here it" Rossi tells her as she left the room.
She turned to Spencer, who was looking at you through the window. He only moved when Emily nudged him, causing him to end his gaze. Through his mind he remembered how he was as a child. Socially awkward, a loner, a outcast. Just like you.
"Well after hours of hacking and deciphering, I was finally able get to the channel information and found out that Blanc de Hotot is actually named (Y/N) (L/N)" Penelope tells everyone.
"Well we got a name, what else on (Y/N)?" Rossi asked.
"Well that's where there's a problem?"
"What problem?" Derek said as he looked up from the file.
"(Y/N) was placed into foster care at 6 years old and was a foster child until 10, but then was taken of the list of fosters"  she tells them.
"Well doesn't that mean they got adopted?" Emily asked.
"No, because while you guys have (Y/N) in the station, paperwork says (Y/N) died after her foster mother threw her in a highly dangerous river as a child" she tells them.
That shocked most of the team. They were protecting a dead kid. But that got Spencer thinking.
"Garcia, check all victims childhood, see if any were at one point in foster care or aged out of foster care?" He asked.
"4/5 victims were foster to adopted"
"Okay, now check if (Y/N) foster mother had and family or-"
"The foster mother had a husband who-" she stopped and was mumbling to herself.
"What is it baby girl?"
"Was accused of helping in (Y/N) murder but the charges were dropped. (Y/N) foster mother was sentenced to life while the foster father moved out of Brooklyn, but recently there son, named Mathew(sorry if that's your name), moved back a month ago after the father died in a car crash" she tells them.
"Unsub and stresser" Rossi said office rushed past the office,
"Kids not I'm the room!" One of the officers yelled running past the meeting room. And it was true. All that remained was Teas hiding behind a chair. The room was a mess and the office had to ram the door open. Somehow the Unsub made it to the station and took you. Emily picked up Tea and cradled her as she trembled.
"Garcia get any addresses that may have some importance to the Mathew" Spencer tells her as the police rush to there cars to search the streets.
"There is one place listed to Mathew and it's a house on 21st" she tells them as they run to the vans. Now it was a race against time.
You groaned as Mathew dropped you to the floor.
"Why didn't you stay dead?!" He said as he looks at you with fury.
"Don't talk back," he yelled at you as you tried to find an escape rout "you put my mother in jail, you couldn't have just stayed quiet".
"P-please Mathew"
"No!, my mother didn't shut you up," he makes advances towards you "but now I will"
You duck under his arm but it was to late. He wrapped the rope around you neck before tightening it slowly and painfully. The room was going dark, you air way was closing up, and then there was a gun being cocked and Mathew being tackled.
"Stay down!" Dereck yelled as Spencer ran towards you. He picked you up and pulled you away as and soon started to preform chest compressions. You hand been without air for a while and now it seemed helpless. You remained still and he tried so hard to awaken you as your pulse faded.
"It's to late," Mathew laughed madly "there gone!".

But then he remembers, with a hard pinches on your arms you took a deep breath. Your pain receptors were still active.
He pulled you up as you desperately took in air. Mathew pauses before yelling crazily and in fury as he was dragged away and you were instantly attended to by medics.
"Where's Tea?" You asked deliriously.
"Your going to a hospital (Y/N)"
"Where's Tea?" You asked becoming more aware.
"Here she is" Spencer said as he placed her on the board.
You sighed with relief as she snuggled up to you. After the EMT moved you to the ambulance were you were immediately brought to the hospital. There you were brought to a room where you were placed in a hospital gown and checked over by doctors. Soon you were asleep with Tea as the hospital contacted CPS. Soon the team was allowed to check up on you. Your small body was surrounded by blankets and machinery. Tea laid curled up near your side as they entered the room. Some stopped and looked away while others looked in shock. Beneath your lip and running across your face was a large scare that branched off into other scars. They all stayed there until they left one by one. Soon only Spencer remained.
"What's happening?" You asked as you finally opened your eyes.
"Your in the hospital (Y/N)" Spencer tells you as you finally remember what happened.
"Why does everything feel foggy?"
"That's just medication" he tells you as you feel around for Tea.
"I know this may be a lot but, what happened to your parents?" He asked.
You froze. Spence quickly realized that the question was not meant for that moment but before he could change it you spoke.
"They didn't want me" you tell him.
"I wasn't what they wanted," you said tearfully "they wanted a good child who was social and stayed put, I was shy and ran".
"One day I had trouble reading because everything kept getting mixed up. I found out I had dyslexia and then my parents just left" you held tea close to you "that day, when I crawled out that river, I ran and never stoped".
"Oh" was all Spencer could say.
"What's going to happen now?" You asked him.
"Well the police have decided its best that you leave Brooklyn" he tells you.
"Then what?"
"We have a foster parent who would like to take you in Virginia" Spencer tells you.
"Who would want me and Tea?" You asked.
"Well, I do".
"I still don't understand how you can do that and not fall?" Spencer asked as you helped clean out the gutter on his house.
"Practice and hope that I don't fall" you tell him.
After the Mathew fiasco you moved to Spencer's home and started a new life.
"Just be careful" he tells you.
"I'm fine, if worst come I'll probably end up with a broken bone or something"
"I would prefer that not to happen".
"No promises dad!"
Hope you enjoyed.

"No promises dad!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hope you enjoyed

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Meet Roxy, she is a boxer, five months old, sometimes a pain in the ass, and I would die for her.

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