Criminal minds x teen reader

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I've been watching criminal minds and I am currently on season two after a week of binge watching so now ima write a fanfic. Reader is 14.
Staten Island, NY (who else a Staten Islander?)
When you were walking home from school you were expecting to have a nice calm walk, instead your chasing a man who tried to stab you with a knife with a metal pole.
"I'm going to bust your knee caps" you yelled as the man booked it across a park.
You were just about to tackle him when you were grabbed from behind. "Kid calm down!" Someone said as you flailed around.
"It's okay, I'm with the FBI" Morgan tells you as you finally calmed down.
"What do you mean?" You asked as he finally let you go.
"Kid, you just chased a murder down three blocks" he tells you. You turned around to see the Murder being held to the ground by officers and handcuffed.
"So that's why he tried stabbing me" you realized as you looked at the metal pole you were holding "I'm just gonna leave that there".
Then a few more people came running as police officers cleared out civilians.
"I told you we should have took the van" spencer said out of breath.
"You think that was tough, try having to stop a kid from murdering one of the Unsubs" Morgan tells him gesturing towards you. You look around as everyone stared at you.
"I'm my defense he tried to kill me" you tell them. You were then brought to the station for questioning.
"Kid was out for blood" Morgan said once at the station. As you were lead to questioning as a officer came up to the team.
"Heard you ran into (Y/N), kids gonna get themselves killed one day" she said as you waited near the entrance.
"They normally chase murders around?" Hotch asked looking in your direction.
"Murders, robbers, and I think a cultist who tried to sacrifice there dog" the officer told them. As she did a old lady walked into the station and hugged you. You two talked for a while before leaving.
"There a nice kid once you get to know them" the officer said before walking away to fill out paperwork.
"Guys we just got a call, the second Unsub just committed another murder and the first one it refusing to talk" Reid tells them.
"Well that's not the only problem" J.J. turns on the tv. There a news reporter talks about the take down with your picture on the screen.  This changed things quickly.
Next day
Morgan and Reid pulled up to a apartment. There they were met by two guys blocking the door. Morgan showed them his badge and they parted. They arrived at the apartment the officer told them and knocked on the door. A elderly Mexican  woman answered.
"Good afternoon, ma'am, we called earlier to talk to your grandchild" Morgan tells her as she lets them in.
"(Y/N) just left to meet some friends at the ice cream parlor four blocks down" she tells them as she wrote down the address. As Reid looks around he noticed that the apartment was small, not large enough to hold a family.  Then Morgan left to call Hotch.
"Where are (Y/N) parents?" He asked your grandmother.
"Oh, it's just us" she tells them. He noticed a small alter with two pictures, both men, one in uniform.
"What happened to there parents?" He then noticed that your grandmother gain a look of sadness.
"My husband passed away a year ago," she tells Spencer as she lights candles on the alter "as for my son, he was abandoned by his wife when (Y/N) was two and died during deployment when they were six".
"He was in the military?"
"Marines, he said he was going to set a good example for (Y/N), and he did" she tells him.
"I'm sorry for your loss" he said.
Soon he and Morgan left. Your grandmother gave them some cookies to take along the way.
"What was that about?" Morgan asked as Reid got in the car.
"We just had a little chat"
At the ice cream parlor
Hotch and Emily entered the parlor that was somewhat packed with kids of all ages.
"What can I do for up you today" A man in his mid 50s asked.
"We're looking for (Y/N) (L/N)"  Emily said showing him a picture.
"I swear I saw them here but I don't know if they left" he tells them. They walked around questioning some kids there but they refused to talk.
"What do you even want with them?" one of your friends ask.
"We just need to talk to them" Hotch tell him. Your friend looks at the rest of the table before turning to the duo.
"They went to pick up there dog at a dog groomer near here" he finally said as his friends agreed.
"Y'all got a problem them, because if you do we gonna have some problems" one said as some other kids started to quite down.
"Nothing like that" Emily tells them.
"Don't worry about it, if anything they should be scared of (Y/N)" some kids started laughing.
"Yo remember the time someone tried to rob us, guy was missing three teeth when the police came around" then there were more murmurs.
As Hotch and Emily left they both called Gideon who was soon on his way to the dog parlor.
At groomers
"Hello I'm here looking for a teen named (Y/N)" Gideon asked the receptionist at the groomers.
"I'm sorry, they just left" she said as Gideon ran out the store looking for you. He then heard gunshots, barking, and angry Spanish yelling.
"¡Consigue el cabrón Maxi!" You yelled as you chased the second Unsub with a Spanish mastiff at his heels. The Unsub was chased into a tree by Maxi as she barred her teeth up at him.
"I give up!, just get that dog away from me!" He yelled as Maxi growls and you cursed him out in Spanish.
Once the police came around you had Maxi under control and was giving her all the pats.
"Such a good girl, yes you are" you cooed as you rubbed her belly. She was happy.
"I don't understand how that," Garcia pointed at the Unsub "was scared of them" she pointed to you as you babied Maxi while giving her kisses.
"I'll be back, and I'll get you and that dumb dog" the Unsub yelled as he was brought to a police car.
"Try me!, I find you and beat you with la chancla cabrón!" You yelled back while flipping him off.
He looked like a dear in headlights as he driven off.
"Did you just threatened to beat a Murder with a slipper?" Reid asked.
"Yep, they really hurt" you tell him.
"Does your grandmother know about you causing trouble?" Hotch was pointing to the blood left on the sidewalk from Maxi bite.
"First of all, they started it, second of all, don't fight a dog breed for attacking wolves," you said as you pointed to Maxi who was getting pats from Garcia "and finally, my Abuela is fine as long as I'm home by dinner, which is were I should be heading".
With that case closed the team prepared to take there leave.
"If you want you can join me and my Abuela for dinner"  you offered them after a quick call to your grandmother.
"We wouldn't want to impose" Gideon told you.
"Please impose," you begged "after this my Abuela is gonna make enough food for a small army and I can only eat so much" you tell them.
They all looked at each other before Emily spoke up.
"It would be rude to decline" she said a they all agreed.
This was one crazy case.
Yea one thing lead to another and I wanted to use Spanish in this fic because I'm actually Spanish and for some reason thing seem more interesting when some is yelling in Spanish. Is it just me orrrr...
Anyway I hope you enjoyed.

? x young Reader ONE-SHOTS PART 2Where stories live. Discover now