Assassination Classroom x Child Reader

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⚔️Requested by @Swimmingmoon0180
⚔️You are 11.
⚔️Your genetically modified, giving you extreme strength, speed, and a healing boost. Your were created to be the perfect weapon and you hated it. When you got the chance you destroyed the people who ruined your life. Every. Single. One. You promised to never let anyone do that to you again. You hated humans.
⚔️You have a pet rat.
On the day you escaped you also help a creature. It was a  rat that was being experimented on. He was used to test a life enhancement serum. From a file it read that he was three and would most likely live for 20 more years due to the experimentation.
You named him Percy.
⚔️You have no mercy for people.
"Please!, I'll pay you as much as you want just don't kill me!".
You were sent to kill a mob boss. You kill all that worked for him leaving him hopelessly alone. You brought the gun to his head.
"Mercy is for the weak" you whisper as you pulled the trigger.
⚔️You take the job to kill Korosensei for the money.
"You now your really bad at sneaking around" you said as you stopped walking.
Karasuma also stopped.
"I wasn't trying to sneak up on you" he tells you.
"What do you want then?" You asks him.
"Well, to put it simply, I need you to kill someone" he tells you.
"How much?" You asked him.
"Ten million yen".
⚔️You are good at acting.
Korosensei was on his way to school when he heard crying. He went to investigate when he came across a crying child.
"H-hey know kid, what's the matter?" He asks.
He's horrible with crying children.
"I h-hurt my k-knee r-really bad" you cried.
"Oh-um-well-" Korosensei was at a lost for words.
He was use to dealing with moody teens not crying elementary kids.
"Why don't-" you lunged at him.
He barely managed to doge. You kept trying to stab him but he still moved around.
"Hey quit it!"
"Stop that this instance!"
"I was trying to help!"
He flew away before you could do harm. He was a assassin not a monster.
⚔️You become class 3-E nurse.
"Everyone meet (Y/N), your new nurse" Karasuma tells the class.
"Um- that's a kid" Taiga said.
"To you all I may seem like I Child but I assure you that I am a assassin, I am here to kill Korosensei and nothing more, so don't expect me to baby you" you said with venom.
"Your the kid who tried to kill me!" Korosensei yells.
"Yes and I will not stop until your dead with your blood at my feet" you tell him.
Everyone collectively shivers with fear.
"Don't talk to me unless someone is dying" you said as you walked out the room.
⚔️Korosensei hates rats.
"Why is there a abomination on my desk?!" Korosensei scream in fear as Percy crawls across his desk.
"Have any of you seen-," you stopped when you saw Percy "there you are Percy".
"Are you seriously afraid of a little rat?" Nagisa asked.
"Those creatures bring nothing but trouble and disease!" He yells.
You looked as Korosensei than at Percy. Then back to Korosensei and back to Percy. You gained a evil grin.
You started chasing him with Percy as he screams in horror.
⚔️ You hated when people act idiotic.
"And what made you think it was a good idea to try to assasinat Korosensei ON TOP OF A BRIDGE OVER A RIVER?!" You asked Taiga, Sosuke, and Hiroto.
"Ummm- sneak attack" Taiga said.
You slapped I'm upside the head.
"You guys are absolute idiots, my office. Now" you said with venom.
They fearfully went to get patched up.
⚔️You hate it when people mess with your temporary work space.
The class was going to the main building for a assembly, but you were stuck inside the shack they called a classroom. You heard people snickering. They were not class E.
you went out side to see some class C students painting graffiti on the side of the building.
"What do you think your doing?" You asked.
They looked around.
"Oh,hey kid why don't you just go away, you don't want to cause trouble now do you?" One of them said.
You looked at them angrily and cracked your knuckles.
12 minutes later
"What do you think (Y/N) doing?" Karma asks.
Just then they heard pleads of mercy. You were walking down the mountain, dragging the two students by the ear.
"Where's class 3-c teacher?" You asked.
"What do you think your doing with my students?!" The teacher asked.
"Your students were vandalizing the class E class room, I got it on video so don't try to cover this up," you said pulling out your phone and showing the video "honestly you should be ashamed of yourself, unaware were your own students are and that they are vandalizing school property, a bunch of delinquents of you ask me".
⚔️You make up good cover stories.
After that fiasco you stood with the class.
"Awww, you really must care for us if you protected the building while we were gone" Karma teasingly tells you.
"S-shut it, that's my temporary work place!" You said.
"And who are you supposed to be?" Asano asked with his lackeys behind him.
"I'm, (Y/N) (L/N), I'm staying with my uncle," you pointed as Korosensei "since my parents are on a business trip".
"Well why aren't you at school then?" Seo asks.
"Don't need to, I have a photographic memory meaning I could read a book about a subject and memorize it all, last time I checked I believe I had a IQ above 140" you tell him.
Everyone stopped.
Did you just say above 140. That means that you had a higher than ASANO!
Korosensei was tearing up.
"You called me uncle" he said while dabbing his eyes with a tissue.
"Stop crying you old man thing!" You said angrily.
⚔️You never celebrated Christmas.
"What do you mean you never celebrated Christmas?!" Kaede asked.
"It's just another unnecessary holiday people celebrate to boost the economy" you tell them as you cleaned there wounds from there latest assassination attempt.
"But what about presents, treats, spending time with family?!" Hinano asks you.
"Never had a family never will" you tell her.
This got everyone thinking.
Christmas day
You woke up and stumbled out of your office only to find a Christmas tree with gifts underneath it.
You ran back to your office and grabbed you phone pulling up Irina contact.
"Someone broke into the school and left a Christmas tree with gifts and I think it's some sort of trap!" You tell her frantically.
"Why don't you go and investigate it then" she tells hanging up.
You deadpanned.
⚔️You never got a gift before.
You poked a box with a ruler and sighed.
"What should I do Percy?" You asked the rat.
He started tearing the gift open. You picked up a pox and started opening it. When you look inside you saw a red sweater with a white heart in the center. You felt it and it was so. Freaking. Soft. You slipped it on and and it felt so warm. You opened another gift to find a freaking huge stuffed rabbit that was soooooo soft. You hugged it and fell backwards while giggling happily. So this was what being a kid felt like.
⚔️You finally learn that not all people are bad.
You looked at the scene before you. Korosensei was being held down by the entire class as you, Irina, and Karasuma. Korosensei listed of the names of the students as some cried and others were on the verge of tears.
"(Y/N) and Percy?" he asked.
You looked at him. Percy squeaks but you remained silent.
"(Y/N)?, I can't continue if you do not say here" he tells you.
"H-here" you said tearfully.
Finally the final blow was placed by Nagisa. The air was suddenly filled with the wails of the students.
You to started crying over the lost of a friend. Why?. Why did it hurt so much?. You were used to people losing there live, but why did it hurt so much this time?.
You started crying more. You may be a killer but you were still a child.
Karasuma pulled you into a hug as you cried into his side. Was this what it was like to finally feel love?
It felt nice.
years later
⚔️You grown up to become a fine person .
After that you had moved on to graduated college and with the right training you had earned your nursing license. Years later you nailed a job at a prestigious school called UA as a school nurse. You quickly become a favorite of the prior school nurse Chiyo Shuzenji. You mostly kept to yourself that was until a certain event took place.
"What is going on here?!" You asked angrily.
Bakugou and Izuku stared at you with fear as they stopped fighting.
"My office. NOW!" You said with fury.
From a distance Aizawa Shota stared at you with a light plush on his cheeks.
End of the day
"Um, (Y/N)?" Shota asked.
"What can I do for you Shota?" You asked him as Percy sat on your shoulder.
"I-I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner today?" He asked you, trying to remain calm but was buzzing with nervousness.
"I would love to" you tell him with a smile.
Hope you enjoyed.

Killer cat

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Killer cat.

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