1.5 How to momentarily freak Chloe Valentine out

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I opened my eyes again to see Chloe staring at me worriedly, still sitting across the table in the back of the flower shop.

So many different thoughts raced through my mind. A memory had just come to me - and it must've been triggered by me and Chloe's conversation. Maybe a certain part of it. I thought back carefully about each part of my memory.

The Filipino boy had been there again - and this time, I'd learnt his name. Michael. At this point, that was all I knew about him apart from the fact that we were good friends.

The Keanu Reeves figure must have been the SQUIP, though I did find it weird that it looked so similar to Keanu. I made a mental note to ask Chloe about that.

Optic Nerve Blocking somebody who apparently had been my best friend? Shitty move old Jeremy, very low blow. What I gathered from the memory was that past me had been a selfish git and completely abandoned my best friend - though I couldn't really remember him.

It must've come from my question about what had happened to him while I had the SQUIP.

That would explain it very easily. 

That was when I remembered that I was not alone and Chloe was staring at me like I'd just died and then risen from the dead. 

"Jeremy?" She paused, shaking my shoulder. "Are you okay? You blacked out for like, five seconds there. Everything okay?" Chloe ask, her eyes anxious. I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath.

"I'm fine." I eventually replied. I decided to correct Chloe on our earlier conversation. "My friend's name was Michael by the way." I told her.

Chloe let out a long high-pitched 'oh!', before staring at me in shock. "Wait how the fuck did you know that? You didn't remember a thing about Michael like... Five seconds ago. Wait..." That was when Chloe looked at me like I was jesus.

I mean it would make sense, she had been looking at me like I'd risen from the dead a few moments before.

"Yeah, I- uh, just had a memory about him." I hesitated, unsure whether I should tell Chloe exactly what the memory was, as it was clear that it had not been common knowledge after what her answer had been to my earlier question. 

I decided against it - if I hadn't told her before, their must be a reason for it. For now, I'll play it safe. I don't want to screw anything up when I remember everything. If I remember anything that is.

No, Jeremy. We don't want to think that. That is not a good thought. I'll get my memories back. I'll become me again - just wait. I need more triggers to my memories and I need time.

"That's great! What was it about?" Chloe asked me curiously, probably wondering what else I remembered. I decided that it would probably be best too just be very vague and lie a tiny bit, but nothing too drastic.

"Its, uh- all a bit fuzzy. I'm sure it will be clearer later. I just remember that I saw Michael - who was called Michael and also what I think must have been the SQUIP?" I paused.

"Actually, I was meaning to ask. Why did the SQUIP look like Keanu Reeves?" I asked her, reminding myself of my mental note.

"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you about that. The SQUIP takes different forms for different people. For you he must've just looked like Keanu Reeves. I don't think it was really based on anything particular though. They just looked that way." Chloe told me.

"Oh, okay." I replied quietly. Silence fell on us for a few seconds.

"You look exhausted after that, Jeremy. The memory must have completely drained your energy - I don't mind if you go back and rest and you can start on another day, in fact I think that's what you should do. I've been doing this everyday by myself for ages anyway, so I'll be fine." Chloe suggested.

I looked up at her thankfully. "Yeah, that might be good, thanks Chloe. Though, if you think it would be easier for you if I was too stay - I will." I replied firmly.

Chloe sighed. "Well of course it would be easier if you stayed to help out, but the point is I don't want you too. You're going through some rough times and it would be wrong of me to force you to stay and help. I'd much rather you go back home for now." 

I nodded. "Alright then, if that's what you want." I stood up, Chloe also standing as well.

I turned to leave, but before I did, I looked back at her, deciding that if Chloe had given me this time of - I'd at least use it productively.

"Wait, do you think that you could give me like the numbers and things like that of people you think could remember more about me? I might try sending them a message." I asked her.

Chloe nodded, smiling brightly. "Of course I can." She grabbed a pen and paper, quickly scribbling a few things down before handing it to me.

"Christine Canigula - the girl you dated, Brooke Lohst - my best friend and Rich Goranski, the first guy who got the SQUIP and told you about it. They're mostly the only people I've stayed in touch with. I only have their numbers though, but I hope it helps." 

I smiled at her, tucking the piece of paper into my pocket. "Thanks Chloe, this means a lot."

Then after a quick hug for a goodbye, I rushed out of the shop - anxious to get home to where I'd left the new phone I'd bought yesterday so that I could try contacting the numbers given to me by Chloe.

It was all starting off smoothly. From knowing nothing to knowing a little more about myself, I thought I was doing well on getting to know myself once more.

Slowly, but surely - I hoped I would soon become me again.

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