Chapter Six

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"What time is it?" I asked sitting up

"8 AM" Caleb said looking over at me as he was frying up some eggs

"Have you heard anything?" I asked getting up 

"Nope" He said looking down at me

"You ok? You and Amy seen it all last night" He asked 

"I'll be ok" I said with a smile

I helped him finish breakfast before we got dressed and headed for Heartland where everything seemed a little more silent then usual. Getting out of the truck I headed into the barn where Amy was with the horse from last night.

"How's he doing?" I asked standing next to her

"Much better then yesterday" She said looking over at me

"That's good, how are you doing?" I asked her going over to the chore chalk board to check chores

"Could be better I hate seeing horses like that at least we could save this guy" She said coming next to me

"So the trail ride is being pushed until tomorrow you sure your still up for it?" She asked

"I wouldn't leave you guys short handed like that" I said giving her a laugh and nudge

We went about the day like nothing had ever happened all taking turns checking on who we found out was Lightning Rolls. He was an ex race horse who was being sent out for slaughter to be made in to dog food, it's sad they treat race horses like this when they deem them useless. 

"So there's a rodeo next week in Okatokes you going?" Asked Caleb as we stopped for a break

"Didn't even know there was one but if it means I can compete against you I sure will be" I said with a smile. 

"Haha very funny" He said giving me a kiss

The day flew by faster then usual and before we all knew it we were sitting around talking over coffee.

"So what time are we leaving tomorrow?" Asked Ty

"7" Said Tim

"So would anyone mind if I cooked tonight I'm thinking ribs" Everyone agreed

"Can I ask a question?" Mallory asked coming into the house

"Better then anyone I know" I said looking back at her everyone chuckled

"Jake wants to go out but I have nothing to wear do you have anything I could borrow?" She asked looking at me

"Ya sure come over later I should have something" I said with a smile

"So I need someone to help with the up keep of the dude ranch do you think you would like the job?" Asked Lou looking at me

"Why me?" I curiously asked

"You are the most effeciant organised hard working person I know other then myself of coarse and so neat I've never seen the barn so clean" She boasted

"Well thank you ya sure I'll start after the drive" I said standing back up to head back outside to finish my chores

Caleb's POV

These past few days with Jolene around have been so amazing, she makes me so happy Ashley never made me feel as seen/happy as she does. Jack and I had headed out earlier to get some fenced fixed before tomorrow. 

Jolene and Mallory came riding up about late afternoon Jo hopped down and came over to where Jack and I were stnading. 

"Hey can I talk to you for a minute?" She said grabbing my hand

"So whats up?" I asked as she lead me out of ear shot before looking down all I could focus on was her soft plump lips

"Mallory wants us to join her and Jake on a date tonight" She said grabbing me by my belt buckle oh god the things she does to me

"Really I was hoping for we could have a little one on one time" I said trying not to focus on where her hand were

"I mean it still can be just after the fact trust me I'll make everything worth it" She said biting her lip, god I couldn't say no to this girl

"Ok fine but try and get Amy and Ty to come so we can sneak out early" I said leaning down 

"Can do I mean I roped you into it didn't it" Said she pulling away before I could kiss her

I watched her hips sway as she walked away before getting back on Moon her and Mallory waved at Jack before ridding away, god I think I'm in love already. 

"You just gonna stand there or you going to help me?" Said Jack as I readjusted

"Yup" I said coughing before turning around starting to work on another part of the fence 

We finished the day off and headed back to the house where Jolene was cooking ribs on the barbecue. 

"Smells delicious" Said Jack as we walked up onto the patio 

"Thank you it should be done in a few minutes" She said with a smile

We went inside washing up while Jolene followed close behind with the ribs, she set them down on the middle of the table. Everything looked delicious god this girl can cook, ride, rodeo how did I get so lucky. 

"So I convinced Amy and Ty to come out with us" She whispered putting her hand on my thy inching it higher and higher

"So meet you guys around 7:45" Said Ty after supper as we were heading out the door with Mallory in toe

All three of us headed back to the trailer it was a generally a quiet trip I mean on our end Mallory just wouldn't stop talking. When we got to the trailer the two girls headed inside and I took Shorty on a quick ride to stretch his legs. 

"What's sex lie?" I heard Mallory ask as I opened the door to the trailer

"I didn't hear a thing I promise" I said laughing nervously shutting the door

"Oh my god never mind, pretend lyou heard nothing" Said Mallory opening the door back up blushing

Joanne was in a tight black dress with a deep V cutting down her perfect breast before I let myself get to around I changed foscus to Mallory. She was wearing a beautiful yellow dress that brought out her eyes. 

"You both look beautiful" I said kissing Jo's cheek

"Ready to go?" She asked

"Yup let's get going we're meeting Jake there" Mallory said blushing 

We headed out to the truck heading for town for a long night ahead of and again the trip was quiet on our part. 

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