Chapter Twelve

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Two Month Later...

Business was booming with Amy it's like once people heard the miracle girl and prodigal daughter were teaming up there was no questions. With all the work I've been doing with Georgie a team in Europe was looking at her. Lou was back in town for good now she had sold her shares in Maggie's New York and every thing seemed to be going well.

"Hey I see Georgia went out for her second run of the day" I said to Lou coming in the house to help with lunch

"Ya she's been pushing it really hard for this competition" She said turning around and leaning against the stove

"I'm starting to worry about her" I said leaning against a chair

"Ya me too" Said Lou with a look on her face

"I'll talk to her" I said

"Thanks" Said Lou

I had been there at her age competing the way she is, we think body image is everything and that the fitter we are the better we ride, its sick the torture we put ourselves through to be "perfect".

Just then Lisa came in looking stressed out Jack, Amy, Caleb and Ty followed close behind most likely coming in for lunch.

"You ok Lisa?" I asked

"Ya just stressed about this cross country race I got roped into helping out with my rider just dropped out" She said, just then everyone had there eyes on me

"Amy or Georgie are just as capable as me" I said giving Amy a look

"This race is more your speed" Said Lisa coming over to me

"Ya I've seen the jumps I couldn't do it and Georgie hasn't done a cross country like this before" Said Amy

"Please" Said Lisa sweetly

"Fine" I said throwing up my hands

We all sat down to eat lunch I don't know how I keep letting myself get pulled into these plans, all of lunch Lisa basically overloaded my brain with information. After lunch I followed Lisa to Fairfield to meet the horse I'd be riding and then head over to the coarse to do a walk through and a quick practice run.

When I got back to Heartland that night supper had just started, we all sat down to eat I couldn't help but eye down how little Georgie was eating. When supper was finished Georgie went straight up to her room while everyone else went and sat in the living room. Giving Lou a look I headed up to Georgies room to have a talk.

"Can I come in" I asked leaning on the opened door

"Ya sure" She said turning around in her computer chair

"What's up" She asked as I sat on the corner of her bed

"Are you feeling ok?" I asked looking at her

"Fine why?" She questioned like nothing was wrong

"Because your acting the exact same way I did when I was competing at a high level" I said

"I don't know what your talking about" She said trying to throw me off her scent

"Don't play that with me Georgie I've been doing this a long time to know the signs your barely eating and burning more in a day then taking in" I said giving her a look

"I just need to make it through these competitions and make it into to Euro school and I'll be fine" She defended

"Georgie we both know that's not true and if you want me to keep training you and more importantly if you want to compete at a high level you need to take better care of yourself" I spoke

"I just need to be perfect my mom sold Maggies so I could go" She said standing up

"Oh Georgia no she didn't she did it so she could be here for you and Katie" I said getting up to

"Really?" She questioned

"Yes your mom loves you both so much and just wants the best for you remember that" I said going up to her

"Thank you for telling me that I needed it" She said

"Promise your going to do better" I asked

"Of coarse" She said

"You can always come to me if you need anything you know that" I said giving her a hug

"I know" She said smiling

"And talk to your mom" I said as I went for the door she nodded

When I went downstairs Caleb was waiting by the door to leave going to the door I put on my shoes, when Lou came up to me.

"Did she say anything?" She asked

"Ya but I think you two need a heart to heart" I said with a smile

"Thanks" She said giving me a hug

After that we left for the trailer the ride was quiet except for the radio on a low volume playing a country song.

*Day of the event*

My nerves were running high I hadn't competed like this in a very long time, my time to start was nearing getting up on Eclipse I put in my Beats and started playing music this helped calm my nerves. Walking Eclipse up to the gate I noticed the Heartland crew waiting to cheer me on closing my eyes I started kind of dancing to the music. When I opened my eyes the alarm sounded and I took off Kick Start my Heart by Motley Crew started playing a perfect song to get me started.

The coarse felt like it only took me minutes I was on such an adrenaline high competing was in my blood and getting to ride such a pure bread again was amazing. When I crossed the finish line everyone was waiting for me with huge smile on their faces.

"That was amazing" Said Georgia as I took out an earphone

"Thanks" I said jumping down

"For someone who hasn't ridden like that in years you did amazing" Said Amy

"Its in my blood" I laugh

While we waited for the results I brought Eclipse over to the cool down station to get all her stuff off and give her legs a cool down. A little while after we got Eclipse in the trailer they were ready to announce winners.

"And in first place...Fairfield...Rider Jolene Carr on horse Eclipse" Said the announcer

Everyone in the crowd started cheering walking up to the podium I grabbed the bow and meddle with an envelope. When I came down from the stage one of the judges was waiting for me, I recognized him from other shows I competed in back in the day his names Micheal Anderson

"When I seen your name on the sign up sheet I couldn't believe it until I saw you riding, no one rides with such grace and persision like that around here" He said smiling at me

"Well it was a one time thing" I said

"It's to bad because you have such a talent" He said

"Thanks" I said

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