Chapter Eight

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We've been hearding these cows for what feels like days now, it was starting to get late the sun was starting to set. Ove the past few hours IK had noticed that Caleb and a beautiful blond becoming friendly. 

"So you noticed that to huh, what are you going to do about it?" Asked Mallory seemingly coming out of nowhere 

"Jeez Mallory I swear sometimes you come out of no where" I said startled

"Sorry" She said with a sheepish smile coming closer  to me

"Do about what?" I asked as Amy came over to join the conversation

"Caleb" Amy said chiming in

"You to!" I said shocked looking over at her she just gave me a grin

"We never talked about it to make it official so he can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants" I said looking between them before I noticed a calf wondering off

"I've got it" I said yelled before going after it

Seeing Caleb with that girl did kind of bother me I thought we had something but I could have read the signals wrong. But then again they could be talking for any number of reasons and I'm just over reacting that's why I don't want to make a big deal about it.  

A few hours later we got them to where they needed to be we took some time to set up lunch before heading for home. The whole time  Caleb was still with the blond girl, man where did she even come from? After supper was over we headed back to the farm for supper, there's going to be a bunch of people waiting for us ot have a party. 

There's so many people when we pulled up with food/drinks flowing with music blaring. Again Caleb and this blond we're attached at the hip which was getting irratating. Amy, Lou, Mallory, Ty and I we're talking/laughing by the lake enjoying the view with drinks in hand.

"Hey Mitch" Said Amy as he came over to join the group

"I didn't know you were here" Said Ty

"Ya Jack invited me I showed up a few minutes ago" He said before the conversation resumed

"Jolene would you like to dance" He whispered leaning over

"Ya sure" I said taking his outreached hand

Walking back down the dock we pushed through the crown on the "dance floor" where people we're dancing to a slow song I couldn't make out. Mitch pulled me in close looking down at me with a smile he's very handsome, when I looked over I noticed Caleb also dancing...WITH THE BLOND! When he noticed Mitch and I dancing his smile dropped and almost looked angry. When the song finished Amy, Mallory, and Ty came to join us on the dance floor they all busted a move. 

After a couple dances Mitch and I seperated from the group to go get drinks, he was so sweet and was making me laugh. Before we could finish getting our drinks Caleb poped up next to Mitch giving him a small smile. 

"Can Jo and I have a moment" Caleb asked to Mitch

"What was that about?!" I whispered screamed as Mitch left

"What were you doing with him?" He asked as I looked up at him wide eye'd

"Getting a drink?" I said raising my glass

"No with Mitch?" He said with an almost angry tone

"Getting...a...drink..." I said slowly raising my glass higher

"You're impossible you know that" He was frustrated now

"I've been told that before" I said smirking

"We were just dancing" I followed up 

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