Chapter Fourteen

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Calebs P.O.V

Everyone was standing around the kitchen the topic of conversation Jolene she was worrying all of us it seems like even though she was around she wasn't.

"She was already here when I got up this morning at 5:15 and it seemed like she had been out there for awhile by then" Said Jack

"I got up at about 4:45 and she was already gone" I said

"Usually I deliver the breakfast's to the cabins only to find out by Cabin 4 that she had already been there and had given every cabin fresh towls and started a load of laundry and it was only 9 AM" Lou said leaning against the counter

"She told me she would text me when she was available for practice as she was driving away I barely got a word in edge wise training almost isn't fun anymore" Said Georgia with a sad face

"She seems to know things before me sometimes and it's kind of scary" Said Lisa

"She's burning out, I see it more and more each day no one can split themselves in 6 different directions every day and not be exausted" Said Amy

"Then why hasn't she said anything?" Asked Mallory

"Because her parents never let up on her she told me that her parents kept her on the tightest of scheduals never easing up on anything, they even had her sleep elotted for her, she said because of who her parents were she never wanted to dissapoint them so she would stretch herself so thin she passed out a few times just to live up to her parents expectations" Said Amy

"When did she tell you?" I asked

"We were talking about some techniques she had learned that I had never seen before and she let it slip" She spoke

"Then we need to do something about it because she won't" Said Lou

"I can take over some of her chores in the morning" I said

"I can help with that to" Mallory pipped up

"I'll hire someone to help her at the barn to take the load off her a little" Said Lisa

"And I can make sure breakfast is ready before she has a chance to do it" Said Lou

Just then the door creaked open and in walked the women of the hour she had a confused look on her face, she came over to me giving me a quick kiss.

"Hey guys what's up?" She asked grabbing an apple off the table

"We need to talk about something with you" Said Jack

"Oh my god did I leave a gate open or something this morning I am so sorry I was in a rush I hope no one got out" She scrambled out

"No no not at all we just wanted to talk to you...about you" Jack spoke again she looked comfused

"We came up with a plan to take some of your work load, through all this we just kept pilling on you not thinking twice about how it was affecting you but we see it now" Said Lou

"Guys I'm ok I promise" Said said with a smile

"Jo c'mon your gone before I even get up in the morning, coming in after I've gone to bed, you've got all of your chores and even some of ours done before anyone can get their work started, and then your off to Lisa's" I said

"Jo let up help you please you've done so much for us the least we can do is take back some of the stress we put on you" Said Lou

"Are you sure?" She asked unsure

"Of coarse sweetheart" Said Lisa with a smile

"Fine but if it gets to be to much I'm taking back my chores" She said we all laughed

"C'mon Georgie let's go do some training I was watching one of my old trick riding videos and theres something I wanna teach you it'll be fun we haven't done fun training in awhile" Jolene said motioning for Georgie to follow her

Watching Georgie's face light up at the thought of doing something fun was nice, we all went out to watch as Jolene showed the trick, her face was so happy it was so nice to see her happy doing something she loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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