Chapter Ten

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Caleb's POV

This was the perfect moment, alone back in the place she loves the most it was a beautiful night out and Jolene was out by the lake. I had made a small fire and lit the torches around the dock on the lake, while Jolene was inside doing her thing

"Its such a beautiful night" She said coming over to where I was standing on the dock

"Not as beautiful as you" I said looking down at her with a smile

"I couldn't imagine a better birthday" She said turning to me

"Jolene Rose Masterson I love you with all my heart" I said as I pulled out the ring that's been in my pocket for what seems like forever, I slowly got down on one knee

"Caleb what are you doing" She said with a nervous tone

"I've loved you since our first date and I'll continue to love you no matter what you, I promise to make you as happy as you've made me, will you marry me?" I say my heart beating a mile a minute

"Yes!" She said I stood up, picking her up

Putting the ring on her finger felt so good, the rest of the night was amazing, we drank and laughed among other things.   

Jolene's POV

The next morning we got up mid morning and just enjoyed each other before getting dressed and heading back into the main heart of Heartland. Getting into his truck we headed back, when we got back we went separate ways. 

"Morning guys" I said going over to the round pen where Amy was working on a horse, Mallory and Georgie were watching

"Morning" Said Mallory, I guess a little to loud because the horse started to spook and Amy got up on the fences near me while it calmed down.

When I really looked at the horse her markings seemed familiar like I've seen her before.  

"Is that Violet Winchester" I questioned Amy

"Ya how did you know?" Asked Amy, getting down from the fence I went over to her to calm her down

"How did you do that so fast" Asked Mallory

"I have my ways" I say with a smile

"How long has she been here" I asked

"She was at Brier Ridge for two weeks and she got in two days ago and shes been doing a little better" Said Amy

"Can I try something?" I asked Amy

"Ya sure" She said

"Thanks" I said as they left

A few hours later she was like a new horse, just then an a Land Rover pulled into the drive way, everyone came out to check out who it could be, including me. Just then my mom and dad stepped out dressed to the nines, turning around I started walking towards the barn. 

"Jo!" My mom squealed, so close yet so far, I slowly turned around

"Mom" I said walking over to her

As I walked passed I could see everyone's jaws drop when they realized who my mom and dad were, it came as a shock to everyone.

"How'd you find me?" I asked giving them a hug

"Were not here for you honey were here to pick up Violet Winchester but its so nice to know where you are at least" Said dad, of coarse its always about the horse 

"Well why don't you introduce us to everyone" Said mom

After I finished introducing everyone we went inside to sit for a coffee, my parents were talking with Jack as they walked.

"How come you never told us your dad was the most famous horse trainer in the world and your mom  won the worlds biggest grand Prix like twice" Said Mallory coming up next to me 

"She's also one of the best trick riders I've ever seen" Said Georgie I just sighed and nodded

"Ya she did that when she was younger that's how her and my dad met and that's when they became the power couple they are now" I said

"Where else have I seen her" Asked Amy

"Dressage grand prixs" I said walking away before more people could surround me 

"Man is there anything you don't do" Asked Ty following behind me with the rest of them to the house

"Dressage never enjoyed the training never enjoyed watching" I said  walking into the house

In the house we sat and talked  for awhile I didn't care to introduce Caleb as my fiance not like would even care.

"So is it possible to see Violet jump before we take her" Said dad

"Um well Jolene if you think she is, Jolene's been helping" Said Amy

"Ya I think so" I said looking at dad

Caleb and Ty went out to set up the jumps while I went to the trailer to get Violets tack and got her ready and brought her to the coarse, everyone was there. 

"Put those jumps higher, I know Violet can do it and I know Jo can to" Said my dad with a smile

"Dad you know I haven't jumped in years" I said looking at him he just smiled and patted me on the back

Once they had the jumps high enough to satisfy my dad I got a lift up onto Violet, god I forgot how high these horses were. Taking a few deep breaths I took a second before I mapped the coarse I came to gallop and started 1 jump, 2 jump, 3 jump I could feel my dads eyes watching my every action from the strides in between jumps to if I leaned to much into  a jump. When I was done I trotted to dad and jumped down, my vision was black and my ears were ringing, it took my a minute to realize someone had said something. 

"I knew you could do it your my daughter" He said as I took off my helmet

I handed her over to Caleb god sometimes I hated his cockiness sometimes he knew I didn't want to do it and yet he knew I wouldn't back down, he did my whole child hood. Walking over to the round pen I found Merlin and went over to him. I could hear someone shuffle up behind me, the wind picked up and I got a quick smell of my moms perfume that shes been using since I remember. 

"You know your dad just wants to show you off" She said petting Merlin

"He wants to show off how well hes trained me" I said looking at her

"Well of coarse your the talent he's most proud of" She said with a smile

"He's been doing this since I was old enough to ride, this is why I left" I said walking out of the barn

My mom and dad loaded up Violet and took off not long after my mom and I had our little discussion. 

"Hey, do you think you could maybe show me stuff sometime" Said Georgie coming over to where I was cleaning out some stalls

"Sure if you go saddle up Pheonix I'll show you a few things" I said with a smile

"Sure thing" She said with a smile going out and getting Pheonix ready

"So all this time you made it seem like you were just some wanna be rodeo star" Said Amy coming in she was followed by Ty, Mallory and Caleb

Having them all looking at me right now I couldn't find the right words to explain it, I mean I kind of have been lying to them this whole time, I mean they never really asked.

" Georgie did you say something....oh your ready....coming" I said pretending to hear Georgie I smiled and walked out of the barn. 

Well that's another situation avoided for the time being, going into the round pen with Georgie I got on Pheonix and took a deep breathe. 

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