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Hey. I know I said I was doing prompts, (and believe me, I have three works-in-progress going right now) but yesterday was national coming out day, and... well... mine didn't go too well. Yes, I came out to my parents, but it was kind of by accident. My not-so-much-a-friend texted me something about my sexuality, my parents found out... things escalated. So basically, I had a very bad day, and felt like I needed to post a bit of angst. Sorry :(

Also, tomorrow is my 13th birthday. Just thought I'd add that. :)


Cecil fidgeted in his chair. Of all the awkward and uncomfortable family meals he had suffered through (of which there were many), this had to be the worst. The look on his mother's face made his stomach want to turn inside out. He had to fight to hold down his breakfast as he stared into her hate-filled eyes. She didn't even bother trying to disguise it like she usually did. She glared at him with raw anger and disgust, her fingers clenched so tightly to the table's edge that her knuckles were bright white. He tried to look away, glancing instead at his brother, who had his head down, his own eyes glittering with embarrassment and shame. Cecil shifted some more, clearing his throat in an attempt to ease the tension. "Mom? Simon? Um... Is- is something the matter?" His mothers scowl only deepened. "I saw you." She hissed, and her voice was rough and scratchy, like she hadn't spoken in years. "I saw you yesterday, after school." Cecil felt his heart stop. His fork clattered to the floor, and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from bursting into tears right then and there. Nononononono... "Wh-what did you see me d-doing?" He already knew the answer. He had been stupid, thinking no one would notice as he leaned over. As he kissed Steve Carlsburg right there in front of everyone. His mother laughed. A sound like broken glass raining on gravel. "What did I do wrong?" She was addressing Cecil's older brother. Or maybe the father he never knew. Or maybe she was talking to herself. "I followed all the rules, didn't I? Did everything I was supposed too? I did everything right and still ended up with this disappointment of a son." Cecil bit his cheek harder, but it did nothing to soothe the rivers of tears coursing down his face. "This useless, weak, faggot of a son." She laughed again and stood from the table, walking away. Simon followed her. The next morning's breakfast was much quieter. Much less tense. Breakfast is much easier to tolerate when you're all alone.


So short. So sorry :(



WTNV One Shots [Welcome to Night Vale] [Cecilos - Kevin/Diego] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now