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"Carlos! Carlos, oh sweetheart, come quick! They're here! Oh holy Glow Cloud, there are two of them!"

Carlos's eyes flew suddenly open as he awoke, his husband's cries ripping him away from his afternoon nap. "Cecil?"

He stood, shaking his head to clear his sleep heavy thoughts.

"Cecil, are you okay? What happened?"

He made his way to the living room, still stumbling and rubbing his eyes. A purple blur that he assumed was Cecil practically tackled him as he rounded the corner. Arms wrapped tightly around his waist and an unshaven face buried itself in the side of his neck.


The radio host was on the verge of tears.

"Oh Carlos, they're beautiful!"

With Cecil still clinging tightly to him, Carlos walked unsteadily towards the front door, looking out onto the porch. Lying on the ground, exactly where the newspaper usually was, were babies. Two of them. Two tiny babies, swaddled in blue blankets and staring up at him curiously.

"Cecil? What...?"

The radio host held back a choked sob, sniffling loudly into Carlos's neck.

"Twins, Carlos. They gave us twins..."


"Cecil, are you kidding me? This isn't how adoptions are supposed to work!"

Carlos was trying to keep himself under control. According to Cecil, the baby boys, both being held in the scientist's lap, were his sons. Their sons. Cecil was draped over his shoulders, cooing and giggling at the tiny children.

"This is how it works in Night Vale, sweetheart,"

He mumbled, his deep radio voice now squealing with restrained excitement.

"We wanted a baby, and they gave us one! Two, to be exact!"

"D-don't we have to meet with someone first?" The scientist flinched as one of the babies grabbed absently at his stubbled chin. "Fill out papers? We don't even have the room painted yet! Cec, we're barely prepared for one baby!"

Cecil only smiled. "I can finish the painting tonight. We can buy an extra crib and more supplies tomorrow."

He paused, laughing to himself. "Carlos... We're daddies."

Carlos let this thought sink in. Two twin brothers, left on his doorstep by an unknown and probably malevolent being at three in the afternoon. His sons?

Sure, they had been talking about adoption. Well, preparing for one actually. They both wanted kids, to settle down and start a family. He had expected the change to be gradual. This... was not that at all. This was sudden. Unexpected and thrown in his face. How would they be able to do this?

His thoughts turned in his head as he watched his husband, a grown man of thirty seven, tickle the babies, kissing their foreheads and murmuring in their ears. He was a scientist, and scientists could handle anything. (He made this rule up at that very moment)

Scientists could survive bowling alleys.
Beat the condos.
Escape from the alternate desert.

Raise a family.

He smiled an pulled the two bundles closer against his chest, pressing a kiss to each of their foreheads.

"Cecil... We're daddies."


They named the first baby Simon, after Cecil's late brother. He was fair skinned, exactly like Cecil, with a tuft of blonde hair in the middle of his head. His eyes were a reddish maroon, and he had a singular tooth that was visible only when he laughed, which was often. Simon was very vocal, giggling and babbling at just about everything and anyone. Cecil called it 'future radio host potential'.

His brother's name was Damian, after nobody in particular. He was a shade darker than his twin, with a lot more hair. Thick black curls shaded his lavender eyes, giving him the appearance of a miniature Carlos. He was quieter, more reserved than his brother.

Carlos wasn't sure how 'they' did it, but the boys looked like a genetic combination of himself and Cecil. Which of course, couldn't be possible, but then again, this WAS Night Vale...

"Cecil, do you know where orphans in Night Vale come from?"

"Absolutely no idea."


They estimated the babies at around seven months, as both had the ability to sit up, play with toys, and 'talk' to one another.

Carlos took a two weeks off of work to spend time with them, preparing their bedroom and getting to know his sons. He would give them baths, feed them, read to them, and at the end of the day, listen to Daddy's show together.

Listen to Cecil wax rhapsodic poetry about his beautiful baby boys and lovely, perfect husband.

Carlos never meant to stay more than a month or two in Night Vale. He ended up staying for eight years, gaining in the process a husband that he loved more than life itself, a home, and two perfectly imperfect children.

A family.


You like it? This is my head canon Cecilos family ;)

So, what do you guys want to hear next? Write me a prompt. Or two. Or three. Or four.

Thanks so much for reading!


WTNV One Shots [Welcome to Night Vale] [Cecilos - Kevin/Diego] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now