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So, my friend made an offhand comment the other day about Cecil and Carlos dressed in cosplay. I got this idea of Cecil wearing a Pikachu costume, and well, this was the resulting fanfic.


Carlos had always assumed that the collection of dresses in Cecil's closet were from a phase he went through as a teenager. They were hidden (albeit badly) in their shared walk-in, tucked away in a corner. Carlos hadn't meant to find them, but once he did, he couldn't get them out of his head. Skirts, corsets, stockings... his boyfriend had an entire box filled with female lingerie. He didn't have a problem with that, I mean, who doesn't fantasize about their partner wearing those kinds of things? His problem was that Cecil hadn't told him. He felt uncomfortable or unwilling to share a part of himself with Carlos. The scientist wanted his boyfriend to know that he could trust him with anything. But, being the now-committed man that he was, Carlos decided not to push him about it. Cecil would tell him when he felt comfortable.

And so, after nearly five years of living with Cecil, Carlos had learned to just keep the dresses out of his mind. It worked. He never had reason to
mention them.

That is, until a few weeks after their engagement.




What exactly are you doing?"

Cecil smiled from his position on top of the kitchen table.

"I'm sorry. I didn't get any paint on the furniture, I promise."

He waved a bottle of yellow nail polish delicately in Carlos's direction.

"Your hair dryer wasn't working and I had to use the ceiling fan!"

Carlos blinked.

"You're painting your nails, I can see that, but I mean... What are you wearing?"

The scientist's cheeks were bright red, redder than Cecil's, which had been painted with circles of startling crimson. He wore a bright yellow skirt and matching corset, with a tiny fabricated tail stuck to the back. A headband with floppy little ears peeked from his mess of spiked blonde hair. He was... to the best of Carlos's knowledge... dressed like a Pikachu.

"Why Carlos! Don't tell me you've never heard of Pokémon!"

Cecil kept down from the table, sauntering over to Carlos and doing a little spin. His skirt flew out around him like the sun's rays, and Carlos swallowed hard in his throat.

"Y-yes. I played it as a child. You- You have it in Night Vale?"

"Why of course! We aren't THAT separated from the rest of the immeasurable universe! I mean, come on, it's pretty sad if you'd never heard of Pokémon!"

The radio host winked.

"This is my costume for the annual comic con. I haven't been able to make it in years, what with work and all, but I figured this year we could go together!'

Carlos stood frozen as Cecil placed a baseball cap on his head and gave another flirty wink.

"You would make a pretty great Ash..."

The scientist growled low in his throat.


"Yes, dear?"

"You aren't going to make it to comic con this year."

He grabbed Cecil by the waist, spinning him around and pinning him to the doorway.

"Not if you wear an outfit like that..."

Cecil's face broke into a wide smirk as his fiancé began to place rough kisses down the length of his neck. He figured that it wasn't important for Carlos to know that comic con wasn't for another five weeks or so.


Just a little pointless drabble. Hope you liked it!

The next fic will be smutty. Apologies to anyone beginning to dislike this little theme. It'll be the last one for awhile.

Keep on reading! You guys are awesome!


WTNV One Shots [Welcome to Night Vale] [Cecilos - Kevin/Diego] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now