The Joining

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What is she up to now?

Seth has been trying to figure it out ever since he transported them to the forest because the Sheila that he knew did nothing without reason.

He can see that his thrall didn't even work on his mate from the spark of rage that immediately emerged in her chocolate brown eyes.

"Well, what do you say?" He asked while gently grazing her stiffened throat up and down.

He was expecting a fight from Sheila, already figuring that she would stop pretending; her response completely floored him.

"Sure, which artery would you like to have Seth?" Offering her neck with ease with an aggravating blank stare.

"Okay, Sheila, let's cut the bullshit. What are you up to, woman? You're not under my influence," he demanded softly, pushing her away even though it killed him to be apart for a second.

"Isn't this what you want Seth to kill me for a midnight snack simply erasing me from existence?" Her eyes got misty with a mixture of anger.

"How many times do I have to tell you before getting it through that thick skull of yours, that I can't kill you," He raged out, already figured that his eyes changed to a deep golden.

"I know you didn't call me hard headed,"

"We're being honest, remember?"

"Careful Seth, your fangs are showing,"

"Does it look like I give a damn?"

"Wow, you're serious," Sheila said as realization set into her eyes from his outburst.

"Yes, I am, "  He answered, struggling to calm himself down.

"How can I be your mate? We barely know each other, and that was when we were children," Sheila asked with confusion.

"It was probably the other night when I took your blood after the werewolf incident and gave you some of mine that triggered the mating." He surmised with a shrug.

"That can't be all the explanation. How else would you know that I'm your mate?"

Seth moved back to her and lifted his hand to move Sheila's hair away, feeling instant relief when she didn't slap it away.

"You have my family crest on your neck that only mates wear."

"Bogus, that can't be true!" She said while putting some distance and grabbing a compact mirror from her back pocket to see a red circle containing a tree.

She's seeing for herself; he thought with satisfaction as her eyes seem to bulge out.

"I'm dreaming. This is a nightmare, and I'll be waking up anytime now," Sheila said, trying to make sense of her situation.

"Sheila, you're not dreaming,"

"I must be. It's the only explanation,"

"We have a bond between us that allows mates to know if the other is in danger and can sense emotions from each of us,"

"You're lying,"

"Am I, Sheila?"

Seth simply allowed his desires to be free for Sheila to know that he wasn't lying and watched as she blushed a deep red when picking up on another passion.

"When you called for help, I immediately came to your rescue in broad daylight."

"Okay, you're not lying about that, but you were walking in daylight when you were my size."

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