I'm A Mortal. I Inhabit Madgrid.

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Once upon a New York day a little girl was born and placed into the hands of her kind and caring father. He looked down at his little girl and his heart burst with love. As he walked back into the hospital room, he was greeted to the sight of an empty bed and a solemn looking nurse who handed him a note with the most simplest of words

I'm sorry.

From there on, instead of falling into a pit of despair and alcoholism, the kind and caring father did as he was characterized. He became a kind a caring father. He raised his daughter to the full extent of his abilities. Around the age of five, the young girl started showing symptoms of something... otherworldly.

Things moving around the room without a rope, toys flying across the play pen when they were out of the little girls reach. The father realized that his daughter was gifted with something more than good looks and an amazingly smart brain. She had powers and he did not understand where she had gotten them but only that he had to hide them.

So now, in addition to raising his daughter to be a good person, he had to somehow make her understand not to use her powers in front of anyone but himself.

The girl grew with beauty and grace... but that doesn't mean she wasn't a troublemaker. She heeded her fathers words, knowing not to use magic in front of others and she didn't... for the most part. 'As long as no one saw her' she told herself. Making people trip here or there, playing pranks on classmates and teachers.

As the girl continued to grow into a young adult it did not change her mischievous behavior. Though it was all in fun, she continuously thought about how her powers could help people... Then he showed up.

Tony Stark. Or as he so publicly outed himself- - Iron Man. Although he didn't have powers, he had money and a suit. He was a hero. So, with a little bit of convincing and moving things around. The young girl snuck into stark towers, begging him to help her become a hero as well. She showed him her magic.

Stark had begrudgingly showed her to the marvelous world of the avengers and their files. People that a man named Nick Fury was hoping to bring together. She wanted in. To her utter shock she found out that this Nick Fury knew who she was and had already been hoping she would help. Of course she obliged; telling her father of a scholarship from a far away school abroad for her last year of college. Her father who only wanted the best for her, could not deny it. So as he thought she left the country, his little girl was only an island away.

Luckily the girl came just in time for Loki- -

"Prince of Asgard, Odinson, The rightful kind of Asgard."

Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

Just in time for him and the Chitauri who were planning on invading NYC. Well they succeeded and the avengers (which included the twenty-three year old girl) had to fight them off. The girl had grown a deep hatred for the god of mischief and believed he had deserved whatever punishment awaited him on Asgard.

"Ok. I'm sorry but talking in the third person was WAY too weird for me. I'm Rayna Beauhart and the little girl I was talking about, not hard to guess- - was me,"

"You came to love me." The smug bastard said... smugly.

"Well you hate me."

Loki tolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Not you. Just Midgard and all of the mortals inhabiting it's planet." Loki said with a carefree shrug.

"I'm a mortal. I inhabit Midgard." Loki rolls his eyes at me.

"Well you obviously are the exception being as you are my, what do you call it?"

"Girlfriend, and you're my boyfriend."

"Why are we called this again?"

"So I don't have to worry that you'll go off and cheat on me with some sexy space goddess..." Loki merely gives me a look, the look he does before he starts his usual rants.

"Why don't we just identify ourselves as mates, as all asgardian pairings do when they intend to spend their lives together, you know, when they love-" Loki stopped short. I slowly turn my head to look at his frozen form.

"Did you just-"


"But you were going to say-"

"No I wasn't."

"You've been calling us mates for months!" I yell, completely amused. Loki's face remains passive. I gasp in a mocking manor.

"You've been saying you love me... for months!" I end up yelling again. Starting to feel more baffled then anything. I jump over to him and swing my arms around his neck.

"Get off of me you puny human..." He grumbles, trying to push me off of him but my strength plus power gives him no chance. I pout.

"You always get inferior when your embarrassed." I try and console his ego. He doesn't respond but rolls his eyes, keeping his gaze away from me. I hold him closer and try hardest to look him in the eye.

"You know I love you too right? If that's why your 'almighty' feelings are hurt."

"You are merely a human. I am a god. My feelings don't get hurt by the likes of you." He says, successfully pulling me off of him. He starts to walk away and I immediately follow.

"Come on! You don't mean that, you just told me you love me..! Again!" I yell after him.

I look back to where we stood before.

"Enjoy the story, guys! I've got to go deal with my oversensitive frost giant." I say with a farewell wave as your screen turns black, but don't worry. It'll only be for a moment...

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now