Is That Really What All This Is About?!

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The line of guards stands strong before bending down on one knee. I look between Loki and the guards.

A man in all gold robes walks from outside the door, holding Odins long scepter in his hands. He walks into Odins chambers and bends down on one knee. Holding out Odins scepter. Loki looks back at Frigga and I confused.

"Thor is banished, the line of succession falls to you," Loki's face turns to one of shock. As does my own. "Until Odin awakens. Asgard, is yours." Frigga explains as a single tear falls from Loki's eye. He turns back around and very slowly takes hold of Odins scepter. Or is it a staff? Passed down king by king.... I'm calling it a scepter.

"Make your father proud." Frigga speaks softly.

Loki slowly turns around, looking at the scepter with a glint of something I can't recognize and an un-comforting smirk on his face.

"My king." Frigga nods. Loki then looks into my eyes. Eyes I felt like I've never gazed into before...

Loki moves the scepter into his right hand, holding his left out for me to grasp. I look back at Frigga. She may think I'm asking permission to go while I'm really asking if she wouldn't let me. But she nods anyway. Sighing internally, I interlock our hands.

We move through the halls quickly and quietly. A green light flashes around him as he flashes his armor on.

"I can't believe this has happened." Loki speaks breathlessly. I look over at him to see a wonder-filled smile, his eyes keep flickering over to the scepter and somehow, I don't find his words very convincing. I don't respond. I let him practically drag me into the throne room.

We walk down the large steps that surround the throne, stopping at the bottom of the steps that lead to the seat.

"What are we doing here?" I ask quietly. His gaze was fixed on the throne, flashing behind to look at me for less than a second.

"I couldn't resist." He whispers. Leaving me behind, he slowly walks up the steps. He finally reaches the throne and turns to me. With remnants of the smirk from before, he sits down on the throne, his mouth parting widely as he does so.

"Join me." He speaks throughout the room. Motioning to stand where Frigga must have always stood. Without a word, I walk up the steps and stand by his side... This feels wrong. This feels like I'm supporting him on what he's been doing. I need to figure out a way to stop this.

The changing of armor suddenly sounds throughout the room. Loki and I turn our heads as the warriors three and Sif come into our sight, arm across their chest.

"Allfather, we must speak with you urgently." Sif says loudly. They all stop short upon seeing Loki on the throne. Looks of shock cover all their faces.

"My friends." Loki greets.

"Where's Odin?" Fandral asks.

"Lady Rayna. What are you doing?" Volstagg asks. I merely look down at the ground. I don't know how to answer that one... Or the answer on how to fix this.

The warriors three and Sif come walking down a pair of steps.

"Father has fallen into the Odinsleep. Mother fears he may never awaken again." Loki says, shaking his head as all the warriors start walking towards the throne.

"We must speak to her." Sif says.

"She has refused to leave my fathers bedside," Loki explains as they reach the first set of stairs. "You May bring your urgent matter to me," He raises himself from the throne with a clang of the scepter. "Your king."

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now