Is It Time?

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Odin pulls Thor from the edge. Thor immediately crawls over, pulling me into his chest as I continue to sob.

"I'm so sorry, Rayna. I'm so sorry. I couldn't make him hold on." Thor continues to whisper his apologizes but it only makes me cry harder, the ache in my chest feeling as though it's ripping me apart and tearing me to shreds.

Three times.

Three times the word sorry has ruined my life.

"Let us go. I am unsure of how stable the bridge is now." Odin speaks as though he is wise. He is a fool!

No matter, Thor stands up, bringing me with him as we all slowly make our way to the castle. I clutch onto Thor as he and Frigga are the last things tying me too him.

I can't think. I can't think of anything as Loki falling into despair keeps playing through my brain over an over.

We reach the castle and as Odin opens the door, we see Frigga- - or the shape of Frigga as my tears start blinding me, rush over to us. She looks over us all, her gaze stopping on my wrecked face. She starts shaking her head.

"No. No, no." She denies, tears falling down her face as well. Odin rushes to her side, guiding her most likely to her chambers for privacy.

I turn my head, burrowing into Thors chest.

"You should rest." Thor suggest. I nod, letting him guide me to my room.

He walks down the many golden halls until we reach the familiar door. Walking in, he helps me sit on my bed. His hands go to remove my cloak- - instantly making me scream and shout no at him. He steps back, scared, and unaware how to act. I sniff.

"He gave this to me..." I answer him. He nods, sitting down next to me. We both sit in silence. Not knowing what to say or how to act around each other now.

"I can't believe he's gone." I say hoarsely.

"I have to go." Thor says bluntly. I watch him wide-eyed as he rushes out of my room, not looking back at me.

"Goodnight." I say quietly.

That night I dream of Loki's death over and over. My screams echoing in my mind. Then I remember, my dreams making me realize.

Memories. The first time I met him, the time we sat on that stupid cliff. The horrible things he does in the future. Stopping him. Hating him.

I wake up, blinking a lot before I realize I'm being shaken. I look around and see a terrified looking Thor.

"Thor? What's going on?" I ask. Then it hits me. I start remembering all parts of my dream. Of course! Somehow Loki's alive. Somehow, he made it to New York... but how?

"Rayna, you were screaming in your sleep. The whole castle can hear you. There's actually about seven guards in front of your door before I came in and said I would handle it." Thor says, looking solemn but slightly amused. I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, Thor. I didn't mean to, it's just-" Thor cuts me off.

"It's alright. I get it." He says kindly. I sigh, getting up and out of bed. The cloak still covering on me, covering my nightgown I had changed into.

"You should really get more rest." Thor suggests, looking at me in worry, holding his hands out as if I might faint.

"I can't. I have to speak to Odin." I say, making my way to the door.

"Why?" Thor asks, genuinely confused. I turn around and place a hand on his cheek in fondness.

"You'll find out soon enough." I say my departing words before quickly making my way over to Odins chambers.

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now