Why Would You Do That?! WHY?!!

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I push my cloak away and gasp loudly as Loki blasted Thor right through the wall. I run over to where the hole stood and watch with utter relief when Thor uses his hammer to save himself. I sag against the edge of the hole.

"Please, Loki. Please don't go." I hear faintly.

Turning around I see Loki trying to get past his mother, all while looking very annoyed.

"You don't have to do this." She cries out quietly. Loki stops trying to get past her and hope shamelessly blossoms in my chest. He places his hands on each of her shoulders.

"Mother. I must destroy Jotunheim. Once, and for all." He says darkly. The hope begins to fizzle out but I hold on tightly, needing it for strength right now. Frigga looks into the eyes of her son before moving away from him, nodding solemnly. He begins to walk again when I step forward.

"If you do this," I start, making his steps falter. "I will not stand by your side. I can't condone this." I state firmly. Loki doesn't move causing the hope inside me to crackle. He turns around and walks towards me. The hope turns into happiness as it seems he is staying. For me... Maybe I did something right after all.

He gathers me in his arms and kisses me sweetly on the forehead. I smile contently from the feeling of his lips on my skin. He takes a step back, dropping his arms. He bends down by the waist, taking my hand in his, and in a feather-like kiss, brushes his lips against my knuckle. I bite my lip as the action always gives me the same feeling. He straightens his stance.

"I'm sorry." He says simply, turning away from me and walking hastily out the door.

My smile drops as does my stomach. The hope now burned out as I stand there frozen in the middle of a golden room with a sleeping Odin and a crying Frigga.

I couldn't move, I couldn't breath, I couldn't comprehend.

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

Oh how I've come to loath the word.

With a shake of my head I make my way to the gaping hole in the wall before throwing myself out of it. I can hear Friggas scream of horror and I realize just how dramatic that might've looked to someone who didn't the inner workings of my thoughts...

I use my powers, lifting myself up and fly towards the bifrost which has already seemed to be turned on. Shortly in the distance I see Thor flying on his hammer. I push myself, catching up with him quickly. Thor looks over at me and sees one glance at my face.

"I'm sorry." Thor says. Am I that easy to read? I growl at the words that have only ever caused me nothing but excruciating pain.

"Don't be." I spit out, wishing on every star in the galaxy that I would never hear those words again.

We both land on the bridge before briskly making our way into the bifrost room. We both stop in shock as the bifrost room is covered in ice looking vines, electricity running through them all.

I make eye contact with Loki for a moment and he has the nerve to look betrayed. He quickly begins to ignore me, looking over at Thor.

"You can't stop it. The bifrost will build until it rips Jotunheim apart." Loki spits out. Thor doesn't answer but charges at him. He holds his hammer, trying to smash the ice apart when Loki strikes him with the scepter, blowing Thor back.

I rush forward, helping Thor to his feet.

"Why have you done this?" Thor asks breathlessly. Tears start forming in my eyes, looking at all he's done.

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now