Loki... What Are You Doing?

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"How could you have done this?" She asks. Odin turns to look at her calmly. He does a double-take, looking back at me with a harsh glare before looking towards his queen again.

"Do you understand what he has set in motion? He's taken us to the brink of war!" Odin instantly starts with the yelling.

"But banishment?! You would loose him forever?," she asks, her voice raising. "He's your son!" She screams in his face. They pause for a moment.

"What would you have done?" Odin asks calmly.

"I would not have exiled him to a world of mortals, stopped of his powers to suffer alone... I would not have had the heart." She explains. Though the whole mortal thing is a little insulting I sympathize with her. Odin looks at her smugly.

"That is why I am king... I too grieve! The loss of our son... There are some things that you and I can't undo." Odin yells but finishes calmly and even a little sadly.

"You can bring him back." Frigga says, sounding on the brink of tears.

"NO! His fate is in his own hands now." Odin finalizes, walking away from her and sending me another harsh glare as he passes me to and out of the doors.

I look over at Frigga as she holds herself, tears pouring from her cheeks as she stares out into Asgard. I walk over and a place a hand lightly on her upper arm. She cries out and turns around to hug me. Her tears run along my cloak but it doesn't matter. That much.

"Hey, Hey. Is alright. Thor will get back," I console. Remembering that he had gotten back... I just can't remember how or why... "He'll be alright." I add. I feel Frigga nod. She takes a step back and wipes away her tears.

"The Allfather does everything for a reason. I just have to trust that it will all work out in the end." She nods slowly, convincing herself. I stand next to her as she pulls herself together. She smiles again and looks down at me.

"Why don't you go check on Fandral? I will have a worker escort you so won't get lost." She suggests. I can tell she needs time alone, so I nod in agreement and let a middle-aged man take me to a room that is completely golden, weird seating all around the room. A large fireplace in the middle of most of the seating area.

I turn to look at the worker.

"Thank you." I say quietly. The worker nods and leaves. I walk over to Fandral and bend down.

"How are you?" I ask, peering over to look at his wound. Fandral merely laughs.

"I'm doing much better!" He says sounding quite happy. I laugh a little.

"Good to hear." I say and move to sit on the other side of the couch that Sif has all to herself. I look over at Loki who's staring off into space. I grow more and more worried with every passing minute.

"We should never have let him go." Volstagg suddenly says.

"There was no stopping him." Sif sighs.

"Well, at least he's only banished, not dead. Which is what we'd all be if that guard hadn't told Odin where we'd gone." Fandral says matter-of-factly. I look over at Loki, hoping to catch his eye but his gaze is stuck upon his hand. Just like in Jotunheim.

"How did the guard even know?" Volstagg asks. I tense up, waiting for Loki to meet my eye. I couldn't imagine what they would think of him if he was even closely related to Thor getting banished. Loki doesn't even look at me- - but instead, to Volstagg saying,

"I told him." Very calmly. Everyone moves to look at him.

"What?" Fandral asks in disbelief.

"I told him to go to Odin after we'd left. He should be flogged for taking so long. We should never have reached Jotunheim." Loki admits looking irritated.

"We weren't?" I ask calmly. Loki's eyes finally snap over to mine. In my world we call it the deer-caught- in- the-headlights look. He looks at me with pure regret. The god of mischief and lies actually feels sorry for lying to me.

"You told the guard?!" Volstagg yelled.

"I saved our lives," Loki replies instantly. "And Thor's. I had no idea father would banish him for what he did." Loki admits. Sif immediately gets up.

"Loki. You must go to the Allfather and convince him to change his mind." Sif begs.

"And If I do, Then what? I love Thor more dearly than any of you, but you know what he is. He's arrogant. He's reckless. He's dangerous. You saw how he was today. Is that what Asgard needs from its king?" Loki rants, walking out of the room before anyone dare say anymore. The door soon sounds with his departure.

"Aren't you going to go after him?" Volstagg asks me quietly.

"In a moment." I nod. He needed one.

"He May speak of the good of Asgard, but he's always been jealous of Thor." Sif says.

"And why wouldn't he? He is second in line, doomed to never wear the crown while his brother gets praised for being king?" I shoot back. Sif jerks her head away from my sight. Volstagg looks around, deciding something.

"We should be grateful to him, he saved our lives." Volstagg stood up for him. We shared a smile.

"Laufey said; there were traitors in the house of Odin. A master of magic could bring three Jotuns to Asgard." Hogun recites.

"You cannot honestly think Loki would betray his family?!" I ask incredulously. Fandral looks at me in thought.

"Loki's always been one for mischief, but your talking about something else entirely." Fandral says.

"You are all out of your minds!" I yell, finally going after Loki and not to hear a word of this any longer.

I ask the closest worker where they last saw him and run as fast as I can. After rushing down multiple flights of stairs, I somehow catch up to him walking down one of the halls leading towards Odins weapons vault.

"Loki... What are you doing?" I ask wearily. Worry rumbling in my stomach. No! They were not right. He wouldn't betray family. He turns around to look at me in surprise. He looks down at his hand and to me multiple times before walking up to me, carefully sliding his hands across my cheeks.

"First of all, I apologize for lying to you. Anything to keep you and my brother safe. I hated doing it and I regretted it the moment it escaped. Forgive me?" He asks, sounding and looking sincere. I nod. He smiles widely for a moment before his eye catches his hand again.

"Secondly... in Jotunheim, a frost giant touched me," He said and I instantly opened my mouth, going to ask if he was alright, moving my head to see his burn but he shakes his head. "That's the thing. I wasn't hurt... my hand- my hand it- it turned; blue." He explains. I tense up and silently pray he doesn't notice. Frigga admitted him to being adopted but I always assumed he was still Asgardian.

"So What are you doing down here?" I whisper.

"Finding out." He says looking determined. I say nothing for a moment before deciding something.

If Frigga won't tell him on her own, then I can at least help him find out the truth. I take the hand he's been looking at off my cheek and lace our fingers.

"Then let's find out." I nod. He smiles again and we soon enter the vault.

We both walk up to the tesseract and Loki's hand leaves my own as he moves to hold the tesseract. Loki picks it up and nothing happens.

"Stop!" Odin yells. I turn to look at him, moving away to give the two some space.

"Am I cursed?" He asks.

"No." Odin says from the entrance of the room. Loki places the tesseract back down.

"What am I?" He asks calmly.

"You're my son." Odin says confidently. I watch, holding back a gasp as Loki's skin turns blue and his eyes turn blood red. He looks back at Odin.

"What more than that?"Loki asks, his skin turning pale once more. He starts walking to his father, I follow behind him.

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now