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Approximately 20 years before the events of The Best is Yet to Come. Aversa

Why do Mom and Dad have to argue on vacation? They promised they wouldn't!

I sighed, not being able to take in the gorgeous view of the white-capped waves, pristine blue skies, or feel the soft, crumbly sand beneath my feet. The day was perfect, absolutely perfect. However, my quarreling parents made it less than ideal.

Mom and Dad took me and Anna to a beach in Brooklyn for the weekend. It wasn't much or too far from home, but I was still beyond excited about it, and I knew Sissy was, too. Mom promised to keep arguments with Father at a minimum, but I could hardly see that happening. Even though it was he who instigated them more than half the time, they just couldn't seem to communicate without quarrel.

I know she's holding off on divorce because she doesn't want me and Anna to go through custody battles. She's staying with this monster for our sakes.

As soon as we unpacked our things, Dad said something that set Mom off, so they asked me to take Anna to the beach so we didn't have to stay and hear them. I was used to this. They would always send me off somewhere with Anna whenever things were heated; whether it was to a nearby park, to a neighbor's, or even a cafe. I was always happy to do this, though. I don't want my four-year-old sister to grow up with this like I had to; I was only ten, but I could give her whatever childhood I didn't get to have.

Sissy squeezed my hand, looking out at the beach. "Can we go play, 'Versa?" she asked.

I looked down at her, sapphire blue eyes pleading into my soul. "Of course, Little Bug." I smiled at her. "We can do whatever you want."

"Yay! Play!" Before I knew it, she was running towards the water, her pail and shovel in hand.

Giggling, I chased after her. "Hold on! Wait for me!" Maybe it's best for our parents not to be here. They would just ruin our mood. Stay strong, Aversa. Anna and Mama are counting on you.


The sun was beginning to set, casting a deep orange glow across the water. Cicadas screeched their evening melodies and stray seagulls circles overhead, looking for their next meal. After hours of playing, swimming, and basking in the sun, Anna was thoroughly tuckered out.

Her tiny head was curled in my lap, light brown, unbound hair splaying across my legs. I brushed my hand through the soft strands, enticing her further into sleep. We've been out here forever. Have Mom and Dad really been arguing this long? I hope they're ok...

"I miss Mommy..." Anna whimpered, voice tired. "I wanted her to come play with us..."

I released a breath, my heart aching. "I know, Little Bug. I know. They'll be out tomorrow, I promise."

She shook her head. "They'll fight, they always do!" she exclaimed. "Why do they fight?"

I paused, unsure of how to answer. "...They're fine. I promise. Everything will be fine." Do I even believe those words?! They're NOT fine! I want them to separate! Neither are happy like this!


I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh, yes, Anna?"

She cuddled closer to me. "We'll never fight like that, right? You'll always love me?"

My heart shattered as my sister spoke, hands shaking. "I-I promise. We'll never be like them. I promise." I wanted to hide her away from all of this. "I'll never stop loving you. Never."

She held up her tiny arm, pinky extended. "Pinky promise?"

I smiled, linking my pinky with hers. "Pinky promise."

And I will never break that promise.

Here's some Anna and Aversa angst no one asked for. Deal wit it. Yee yee. So my exams are starting soon so that's fun. Ahhhhhh. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: June 9th - "Bedhead"


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