White Carpet

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Sometime after the Endgame. Anna

During times of peace, I would allow myself to sleep through the early rise of dawn. I would always wake to sunlight streaming on my face and birds singing their morning melodies, or Chrom would decide to bother me whenever he sporadically woke up. Sometimes I played along but other times, he would receive a pillow to the face and a grunt of exhaustion. Of course, we had to adjust our schedule a bit due to our little Lucina, but given that she was now four-years-old, she was much easier to manage. I welcomed these changes with open arms.

However, ever since our son was born, I hated the sun's morning call and wanted the birds to shut up.

We had to adapt our sleep schedules to our baby boy's and finding that change was damn near impossible. When Lucina was born, she was, of course, fussy - as all babies are - but was overall a very well-behaved baby. We were gone dealing with the Valm War for a portion of her first months and me gone for a full year of her life, so I couldn't really tell how long that lasted.

Morgan, however, made our work cut out for us. Whenever the poor thing was alone, he was terrified and cried at almost anything. I didn't blame the newborn, given that he was born a month early and very vulnerable. He was just so tiny and frail! He needed to be protected from the world!

Chrom and I never minded rushing to the side of his crib to calm him down during the night, as he relaxed quite quickly as soon as he was given attention, but getting up to do that multiple times during the night was exhausting. We could always hand him off to a wetnurse or nanny to deal with during the night, but we refused to do that. We wanted to be a part of our children's lives, despite our royal titles. We were parents just like anyone else and wanted the same experiences.

But, gods, did I really want to sleep in for once.

As the damned sunlight slapped me in the face and forced me to wake, I groaned, burying my face into a pillow. "I hate that damn sun..."

"We should close the curtains, then!" Chrom sounded just as exasperated as me, pulling me into his arms.

I forced my eyes open, my eyelashes sticking to each other. "The windows are always open and they blow them away... It'll never work..."

He nuzzled into my neck, blue hair tangled and messy. "Maybe we should try going to bed earlier..."

"With our jobs and two young children? Babe, you're funny."

"Nrggg..." He was acting like a whining puppy with how clingy he was being. "I just want to sleep."

I giggled, pressing a kiss to his hair. "You should have thought about that before you agreed to have kids with me." I allowed my eyes to close as I breathed in the crisp, August air. "Morgan's feeding isn't for another few minutes and I don't think Luci's up. We can catch a bit more shut-eye if you'd like?"

He hugged me tighter in response. "Kay..."

And that chance was cut short was we heard a crash in the nursery.

Morgan started wailing as my husband and I shot up. We exchanged a panicked look as we leaped out of bed and sprinted towards our son. What if someone broke in?! Is someone trying to steal Morgan?! I mean, the early morning, when Chrom and I are 100% still in the room, is a really bad time for a kidnapping.

However, once we entered the nursery, our anxieties were quelled and instead replaced by confusion. There was our four-year-old daughter, collapsed on the white carpet before Morgan's crib, body sprawled out as if she was hiding something.

"Luci...what are you doing in here?" Chrom asked. I could tell there was already a headache forming. At the sound of his parents' voices, our son's cries calmed down, but he still made squeaks of discomfort as he waited for one of us to comfort him.

Our little girl pressed herself even further against the carpet. "I'm here to see Morgi!" She sounded panicked and guilty.

I sighed, crouching down to her level. "What are you hiding, little missy?" As soon as I was near her, I could pick up the scent of something fruity. With one shift of my gaze, I spied an empty glass with was looked to be the remnants of orange juice dripping out.

"Nothing! I like this carpet!"

I rested my weight on my left hand, using my right to pinch my temples. "Chrom?"

"I got it." Like picking up a doll, he was able to pluck our daughter off the carpet with little to no effort.

Staining the plush white carpet was a splotch of orange juice. Oh, gods... This is just what we needed, this morning.

Chrom adjusted his hold on Lucina, making her face him. "Luci, why did you have orange juice in Morgan's nursery?"

Our daughter refused to make eye contact with her father, eyes instead trained at the ground. "I-I wanted to b-bring Morgi some-some orange juice cu-cuz you work re-really hard with us a-and I wanna help!" The little thing sniffled.

I sighed, making my way to my son's crib to calm him down. Once the infant was tucked into my arms, I faced my guilty daughter. "Luci..." I shook my head. "Thank you for trying to help us out. It is greatly appreciated."

She looked up, eyes hopeful. "R-really?"

"Yes, really. But," Chrom started, "babies like Morgan shouldn't drink juice. He gets all of his food from Mommy, right now."

As he said that, Morgan began to whimper and snuggled against my chest, wanting his breakfast. I turned to my husband. "Why don't you take Luci down to breakfast and request a maid to take care of the carpet. I have to feed Morgan."

"All right, my love." He pressed a kiss to my head. "I'll see you later?"

I smiled at him. "Yeah, see you."

I let out a breath as he left, holding my son tight. "We could never get mad at either of you... You're so young and yet you both have us wrapped around your tiny fingers."

Protect the son at all costs. So I tied in another headcanon of mine: Morgan was born premature. He's fine just smol. I'm also really sorry this was posted late. If I'm being totally honest, I was binging Masterchef. It's so addicting. Also my heart feels really weird so I should probably get some water. Yay, my body is trying to kill me. Fun times. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: June 23rd - "Injuries"

Link: https://youtu.be/ramZ4P57OaA

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