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Sometime before Chapter 2. Anna

When I first awoke, everything was unknown to me. I didn't know who I was, my skills, or what I looked like. I got sparing glances of my reflection in puddles and windows in my first few days, but as soon as I was taken to Ylisstol, cleaned, and settled into a room, I found a mirror. My reflection was much clearer on the reflective surface. Plus, my image was certainly...cleaner after I thoroughly scrubbed myself in the baths earlier.

It felt strange to wear different clothes as well. I settled into some linen nightclothes I found in one of my drawers, my normal wear resting on a nearby table. The sudden lightness I was experiencing was a drastic shift from my robes and belts. Did I like this? I wasn't sure.

The woman I was staring at in the mirror could have been an entirely different woman than who I was and I wouldn't even realize it. My eyes were a deep, sapphire blue. I was thin, like I spent my whole life on the move and countless days full of training. However, I was in no way a twig, with a bit of muscle toughening my body; one of my goals was to strengthen myself over the course of this whole journey with the Shepherds. My hair was a light, chestnut brown and quite long. I never really noticed how long it really was since I wore it up all the time, only taking it down for adjustments.

I took a few strands into my fingers, instantly noting the dry and knotted ends. I'm assuming I haven't cut my hair in a while, not that I would remember when. The actual length of it fell just to the middle of my back. Something told me haircuts were a rare occasion for whatever life I had.

It felt as if a string was pulling on my heart, urging me for change. This hair felt like a testament to my old life, of things I could not remember. I wanted to make this new life my own; to escape whatever had happened to me. Whether I liked it or not, I was a new person.

I began searching my drawers for a pair of scissors.

As soon as I found the tool, I returned to the mirror and debated what to do with my long locks. I debated cutting to my shoulders, just redoing the ends, or even cutting it in a similar style to Sully's. In the end, I decided to keep it long, but cut off at least two or three inches.

I began to separate some strands of my hair from the others, anxiety bubbling throughout my whole body. I held a strand in front of me and held my breath. "It's now or never, Anna. It's just hair. If I mess up, it'll grow back."

The blades closed around the hairs, and the past fell away.


All in all, I'd say I did a pretty decent job. A few of the ends were messy and uneven, but only if you closely looked. I would have it up most of the time, anyway. By the end of the cut, my hair fell down to the end of my shoulder blades. Tiny strands of light brown hair littered my feet. I have to find a way to clean that up.

I gazed at myself in the mirror, at this woman unknown to me. "Who was I...what kind of person was I in the past? Was I good? Bad? Who gave me the skills I carry? Do I have a family? Are they looking for me? Gods, who even am I?"

Fidgeting on the hem of my nightshirt, I chewed on my bottom lip. "What did Chrom see in me that made me so trustworthy? Do I even trust myself?"

I ran a hand through my hair, noting the soft ends. "...Well, regardless of who I was, I'm a new person. I can write my own destiny. The past is in the past."

Time to see who this new Anna can become.

EVERYONE, SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DOG. SHE'S TURNING 11. So that's the end of these prompts. XD I really hope y'all enjoyed them! They were super fun to write! And thank you all for giving me so much support. It really, really means a lot to me. If you're curious as to what's happening next, keep scrolling and you'll find out! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to the future!

Question: What was your favorite Prompt?


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