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Sometime during the Valm War. Gerome

All I did was turn my back on an enemy I thought I defeated in battle for five seconds and the I was being attacked. My assailant would have gotten me if it wasn't for Cynthia. She managed to plunge her lance into his gut before he could put up much of a fight, only leaving her with a slice on her forearm.

How someone could be so confidently stupid was beyond me.

I would have done just fine - injured, but fine. Now, Cynthia was wounded because of me and I couldn't seem to forgive myself. What if it got infected and needed her arm amputated? She wouldn't be able to fly again and it would be all my fault!

After making sure Minerva was all right once the battle was done, I set off to find the springy Pegasus Knight. It took what felt like forever to find her, having to push past my worried comrades and concerned parents. I have to find her before Frederick and Sumia do. I'll never be able to talk to her alone if they get their hands on her, first.

Finally, I found her, alone, at the edge of camp. She was caring for her pegasus with a calming air, arm wrapped in bandages. As I approached, she turned in my direction a smile on her face. "Hey, Gerome! Didn't think you'd actually come to see me!" she chirped.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the bandage, guilt filling my heart. "I-is it bad?"

She rolled her eyes. "It was just a scratch, Gerome. I'm not going to die from a little scratch."

I hate this. I hate being vulnerable. Why am I being vulnerable? Stop it. Stop. Put up the walls, now. "Th-thank you."

Cynthia smirked, waltzing up to me and standing on her toes. "Oooooh! Is the ever stoic Gerome actually showing emotion? And to sly little Cynthia, no less!"

I turned away, thankful that my mask covered most of my face. "Whatever! I don't even care if they have to chop your arm off!" Dammit, woman! Why do you have to be so... I don't know, you!

"Hey, that hurts!" She placed a hand on my shoulder. "What's really going on? You seem bothered."

I shook my head, blood boiling. "You shouldn't have taken that hit for me. I feel awful that you're hurt because of me and it's driving me insane! You know how much I hate feeling things!"

Instead of responding with a clever clap-back, her cheerful expression fell, replaced with a slightly irritated one. "Gerome, how do you think I would feel if I just left you to receive a deadly injury? I saw it happening and of course, I'm going to step in to help. What kind of hero would I be?"

"I don't need a hero!" I snapped, training my gaze at the ground. "I...I don't want a hero if that means she's always going to get hurt..."

Before I knew what was happening, her hands gripped my face, forcing me to look at her. "Well, you're getting one anyway," she whispered. "I don't need you to shelter and protect me. I can fend for myself. You and I both know we've seen and been through some things that make us tougher than the average teenagers."

I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt tears building up. "I know...I really know... You're one of the toughest people I know and I understand that I'm being a jerk..." I whimpered. "I just can't stand seeing you hurt..."

"And neither can I." She wrapped her arms around my neck and I found myself crushing her into an embrace. "We can look out for each other. And we're going to get hurt. This isn't play fighting, anymore. We're at full-blown war."

"I know..." I pressed my forehead against hers. Don't say it. Don't you dare. Gerome, you idiot, stop it. "I just...I..."

She pulled away from me, a faint smile on her lips. "I know, and you don't have to say it right now. I know you don't want to. When you're ready, then you can tell me."

I sighed, heart warming at her words. "Thank you, Cynthia."

That playful smirk of hers returned. "It's not like we haven't said it to each other, already."

My face heated up. "W-we were just kids!"

"But it meant the same, nonetheless!" she chirped. "You made me a promise when we were younger, and I full well expect you to keep your word!"

I can't with this woman. Why do I love her, again?  I released a breath, shaking my head. "I can't go back on a promise, can I?"

"Nope!" She was smug; so irritatingly smug. She knows that she's the only person who can get under my skin like this. "If you do, I'll make sure to have Inigo dump all of his relationship advice, including stories, onto you."

I cringed at the thought. "Gods, anything but that."

She wrapped her arms around my neck, mindful of her bandages, and stood on her toes to be eye level with me. She leaned forward, my heart racing as I anticipated her lips on mine. But, with one aggravatingly swift move, she swept up to my forehead, rolling back onto her heels.

I glared at her dumb, smirking face. "...You're going to regret that."

She showed no signs of remorse. "Whoops, did I do that on purpose?"

Again, why am I in love with her? Well, two can play this game. Without any warning, I swept her od her feet, delighting in her startled squeak. Her face was as red as a tomato as I stared into her eyes. "Oh, Cynthia...what am I ever going to do with you?" The corner of my mouth turned up into a grin.

She wiggled in my grasp. "E-er, I'm starting to see the consequences for my actions..." she admitted.

"Good, because that's all you're getting." I set her down. My heart was screaming at me for not making a move and kissing her right then and there, but I wanted to wait. Whenever things calmed down or whenever we won this blasted war, then we would move forward.

She sighed, fingers running over her wound. "You're unfair."

"Only so I can perfectly match you, my dear." I pulled her close for one last embrace. "One day, though. I promise. Now isn't the right time to explore our relationship." I pressed a kiss to her hair. "But when the time is right, I won't hold back anymore. We'll be together, I swear it."

She stiffened, hiding her face in my chest. "U-until then...!" I could have sworn I heard the hint of joyful tears in her voice.

One day, my love... Just a bit more waiting. You're the only one who can truly feel comfortable around. You never judge my actions or why I close myself off from the world. You're so patient and kind to me and I can't imagine you not in my life. I need you more than ever, Cynthia. When this is all over, I can finally tell you how I really feel. 

Until then.

Huh, I have a pretty bad habit of leaving confessions unfinished. Meh, drama. So Gerome and Cynthia are OTP and no one can change my mind. They're so flipping cute together and I can't handle it. So yeah. I don't really intensely ship any of the second generation characters (maybe other than Lucigo) but GeromexCynthia IS one I absolutely do. I love this ship so much. Have I mentioned that yet? 😂 Anyway, thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: June 27th - "First Dance"


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