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Sometime before the events of Awakening. Cordelia

Oh, dammit! I was planning on flying, today!

I gazed out the window, raindrops trickling down the panes. The cloudy, grey sky mocked me from above as the pitter-patter of rain rung in my ears.

Sighing, I set my pegasus's reins down on the equipment table. "Of all days..."

"Hey, Cordelia!" Sumia chirped as she entered the tack room, chipper as always. "Whatcha doin'?"

I bit the inside of my cheek. "I was going to practice flying, but that obviously can't happen."

My best friend strode over to me. "I'm pretty sure pegasai can still fly in rain? Maybe not all that well, but they can do it," she said.

I shook my head. "Trainees aren't allowed to practice in the rain on their pegasai unless accompanied by a mentor, have specific permission, or completed their course on weather drills."

Ever since Sumia started training with the Pegasus Knights, life has been a bit more interesting. Instead of interacting with my Sisters-to-Be during my free time, I would avoid them to study or train. I wanted to graduate Training School early so I could become a Pegasus Knight as soon as possible. It's all I've ever wanted! However, now that my childhood best friend was thrown into the mix, those moments became rarer. I loved Sumia with all my heart, but sometimes she forgot to realize that I wasn't a social butterfly like her.

Sumia shrugged. "Oh, well. You'll just have to fly some other day!"

I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands. "Sumia, that's not the point! I had a whole schedule planned out for the week and today was the only day I had time for flying!" As I spoke, I attempted to re-evaluate my schedule in my head, trying to figure out how to fix it.

"Well, you can't control the weather," she mused. "Just switch around tomorrow's plan with today's! Simple fix!"

I wanted to faceplant into this table as everything crumbled around me. "I have classes and lessons all day tomorrow..."

"The day after tomorrow?"


"The day after AFTER tomorrow?"


She giggled, shrinking back. "Sorry! Just trying to help!"

I traced my fingers over the bridle I was previously holding, sadness gripping my heart. "My poor pegasus must be so lonely... I promised her I would ride today but that can't happen. She's probably disappointed in me..."

Sumia nudged my side. "Hey, don't say that!" she chirped. "Sure, I bet she's a bit lonely, but not disappointed in you! Heck, I'm sure she even appreciates you not taking her out in the pouring rain!"


"And just because you can't take her out flying doesn't mean you can't go to the stables and visit her." She covered my hand with hers. "We allllll have to go through road bumps like this. I know a change in your schedule makes you really anxious, but that's just how life works. We can't expect everything to go according to plan."

She's right. She's absolutely right. I huffed a laugh. "When did you get so insightful?"

She flicked a lock of her hair. "It's just my nature, dear Cordelia." She linked her arm with mine. "Now, c'mon, let's go visit your pegasus! I even made extra treats!"

I laughed heartily, letting myself be dragged along. "Fine! Fine!"

Loath as I am to say it, the world won't always abide by my schedules and planning. I guess I'll just have to make more detailed plans. And backup plans. Oh, I have such an eventful weekend of planning to look forward to!

@me. I do the exact same thing when my schedule is thrown out of wack. Things not working out the exact way I planned and now my schedule is ruined? Panic attack. We stan, anxiety. Kidding, it can die in a hole. I really reflect with Cordelia a whole heck ton, pretty much down to a T. I'm a crazy perfectionist, people ridicule me during certain things because I'm an easy target, and even our love stories are somewhat similar. But, I won't get into that. Cordelia deserves love and that's the main message. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: June 21st - "White Carpet"

Link: https://youtu.be/-wPg1tNEWmo

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