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   I put on my vest as my older brother walked in my room with his i-phone 7. He's 18 and really, boyish. My sister, Madelyn, graduated college last year and she now goes to Baylor, all the way in Texas. He was talking to his friend, Devin, on the phone about some kid. "Yeah I know, he's just a jerk that's a jealous freak!" I glared at him. "Can you not?" He ignored me, put me on hold with his finger, and continued talking. Really? He's such a loser. I shoved outta my room and locked him out.

  "Dude! What the heck?" He shouted through the door. "You're being annoying, now go away!" I half shouted back. He softly kicked the door and went away. I texted my friends, Christie, Kayci,Ashley, and Grace, that i'll be at the mall soon. Me and my friends decided to go school shopping because school is starting next month, so we have to get all the cutest clothes before they run out! We're planning to shop at Charlotte Russe, Justice, JCPenney's, and maybe even Victoria's Secret.

    "Ellie! Lunch is ready! Oh yeah, I also got a letter to you!" Shouted my mom. I got up and walked to the kitchen. Salad, spagetti, and cream cheese and jelly stuffed crossaints. I got my drink and sat down at my usual spot. Dad was at work so he was probably having lunch somewhere like Panda Express or McDonald's.

I was halfway done with my first serving when Jason finally came. "Geez, Jason, what took you so long?" Asked Mom. Jason shrugged and looked down at his food and started eating. "Mom, can you take me at 2? They said that's when they're leaving." Mom wiped her mouth with a napkin a nods yes. "Sure sweetheart. Make sure you have your phone in case an emergency, ok?" I smiled at her."Ok"

I finished my plate and went to go get another one."When I get back from the mall, can I read the letter?" I asked while getting more spagetti. "Sure" I sat down and started eating. "Hey mom, can I hang out at Bradley's?" Bradley was Jason's richest friend. He has a hottub, in his living room! "Honey, you were just there yesterday." Said Mom sounding dissapointed.

"Yeah I know, but we're working on a series. It's an animation and we are two rottweilers that battle and survive during the nazi invasion. We finished episode one and uploaded it to youtube, right now we're on episode two: Escape." He used his hands to make special effects to go with his story. My mom looked less worried like she might let him go.

"Ooh! Ooh! Can I be in it! I wanna be a cute little golden retriever!" Jason glared at me then he raised one eyebrow. "Maybe, if it's okay with Bradley. But, you'll have to come for the voice acting." I shrugged."Okay" I put my plate in the sink and cleaned my face and hands. "I'm gonna go find my purse and shoes" I said to Mom while I walked to my room. I closed my door and texted my BFF's that i'm leaving at 2 too.

I searched for my purse as I heard my mom washing dishes. I finally found in my third drawer in my chest. I held my brand new purple, leather, expensive purse. It's so pretty! I put my I-phone, a pack of tropical flavored gum, my wallet, my makeup bag, my flashlight, and my portable mirror in my purse. I put on my Red Adidas when my mom knocked on the door and came in.

"You ready?" I nodded yes and followed her out the door. We drove to the corner store to get gas because the gas was low." Mom can I buy an Icee?" She said yes and I ran inside. I picked my favorite flavor, cherry limeade, and payed. I got back in the passenger's seat and drank my Icee. We arrived at the mall and my mom dropped me off at the entrance at Dillards, the place we're meeting.

"Bye" I walked towards the doors as my mom waved goodbye. I walked to the border between Dillards and the mall hall and saw Ashley, Grace, and Christie sitting at the Starbucks, eating cookies. "Hey guys!" I said as I ran over to them. "There you are! Where you guys wanna go first?" Asked Christie holding on to my arm."Uhhhy I don't know. Charlotte Russe I guess." Said Ash (Ashley). I looked around, where's Kayci? "Where's Kayci? Is she here?" Grace responded, "yeah, she's at the bathroom fixing her makeup." 

Kayci came running to us with her high heels clacking really loud. "Hai Ellie! Did you get shorter?" I put one eyebrow up. She looked at her 2 inch heels. "Oh, that's why!" We walked over to Charlotte Russe and we spread out to look for clothes. This is on of Ashley and Grace's favorite stores. They always shop here together.  

We would shout across the store to eachother if we found some cute clothes. Ashley ended up buying 3 shorts, 1 pair of jeans, and 3 shirts. Kayci got 2 of each. Grace got 3 pairs of jeans, 2 shorts, and 3 shirts. I got 4 shirts, 3 shorts, and 1 pair of jeans. We walked out with our large bags. "Hey wanna go to Forever 21?" Asked Kayci pointing the direction of Forever 21. "Yeah, there's this outfit of some hightops, shorts, and a really cute crop top that I wanna get" I said pointing my body in the direction Kayci was pointing to. The other girls nodded and we went there.

I bought the outfit I wanted and a pair of black high heels. The other girls bought some shirts and jeans and whatever. Christie bought a purse too. We walked out with even MORE large bags and we realized it was only 4:30. Our cerfews were at 10:00 so we had plenty of time. We shopped at Justice and Aldo when we realized it was already 6:30. We went to the food court and all got our seperate meals. 

At the food, court we saw our other BFF Avery. I didn't invite her because I thought she was outta town. We explained everything and our plans. She came to hang out with us until 10 too. She said her trip was cancelled because her mom got sick. Avery and Kayci got Subway, Grace got Chick Fil A, Ashley got Burger King, and me and Christie got Panda Express. We sat at a eight person table and consumed our food. 

We went shopping for makeup and jewelry at JCPenny's and we got what we needed. We decided to go see a horror movie at the mall theaters. But first we got some coffee and frappes at Starbucks. We went to the theaters, got sodas and lemonade for our drinks, and we each bought large bags of popcorn with tons of candy bags each. We went to see this really creepy movie about an infection that turns people into like, human cannibals. At the end, only the three year old girl survived, barely escaping her twin cannibal brother.

It was 8:00 when we got out so we drove to Club 51, it's a club for anyone over the age of 12. We hung out there until it was 9:45. Since Kayci is the only one with her driver's license, she dropped us off at our houses. I was the third one to get dropped off, Grace was first, and Avery was second. 

When I walked inside, Mom was watching her TLC show while she was on her phone probably on her facebook. "Hey mom" I said putting my purse down. I felt like I was going to faint into sleep. I swear, if you put me on a roller coaster, I will fall asleep, that's how tired I am.

She waved and I got dressed into my night clothes, a silk pink dress. I left the bathroom light on and cracked the bathroom door. I turned off the lights and climbed under the covers. I turned off my phone and set it on my desk and dozed off into a deep sleep.

HAI HAI HOPE U ENJOYED. Please tell me who the cast should be or who should play the characters..bai!

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