Never Forget

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9 months later

I was hanging with Maddie again because she had another break. We were really surprised when we found out. Right now, she's 36 weeks and she can go into labor any minute. We were writing funny stories on wordpad on laptops when we got hungry. "You hungry?" She looked over at me. "Very" She nodded. "Adam!" "Yeah?" "Can you take us to McDonald's?" "Um, yeah sure!" "Thank you baby!" She went back to writing. "So, when are we going?" She saved what she was writing and sat up. "Right now!" We got our shoes on and got into the car.

We buckled up and pulled out the driveway. Maddie grabbed her stomach quickly. "You okay sweetie?" Asked Adam as he looked around before backing up. "Yeah I think it's nor-" She grabbed her stomach with both hands. "Ouch!" Adam looked at her worried. "Are you super sure you're ok?" "Yes, yes, i'm fine" I didn't agree.

She could have her baby any minute, I wouldn't be saying that she's fine. "Maddie?" She turned around. "Yeah?" "Well you're already 36 weeks, what if you're not fine?" She turned back around."I promise, i'm fine, i think it's normal." "Okay, whatever you say. But I don't agree."

We started driving towards the intersection when Maddie kept grabbing her stomach. "Maddie, I think you're having contractions, and, I don't think they were ever this bad." Maddie had contractions, but she was strong, so she never showed the pain. "I'm fi-" She wrapped her hands around her stomach."Jesus Christ! What the hell? Owww.." Adam pulled to the side. "Maddie, I agree with Ellie, you're not okay." She was holding in screams.

"Just drive, i'm fine, maybe they're just more pain because the time's coming closer." "Maddie! It is time! I'm driving to the hospit-" "NO! just get McDonald's and th-" She looked shocked. "What?" I asked trying to look. "M-My water broke" Daniel put the car in drive and started driving to the hospital slightly past the speed limit with his emergency lights on. "Oh my god Maddie! What's gonna happen?!" I asked looking at her.

She turned around worried herself. "Um, I don't know! It's not like i've ever had a baby before!" She turned back around. I wanted to keep her calm so she doesn't trigger anything or whatever. "Okay Okay, um, just calm down, and breathe." I didn't think she would think about that twice. If I were her, all I would be able to do is breathe. I would be too shocked to do anything else. "Holy crap, mom's going to kill me for getting her car all wet." I glared at her. "Okay first off, why are you thinking about that in this situation?! Second, she's not going to blame you!"

She shrugged and finally couldn't hold in the pain. She started moaning and screaming in pain when Adam made a sharp turn. I watched the road as Adam was watching both the road, and Maddie. We were on a road that was on a bridge above a ditch in the foresty area we were in. We were suddenly stopped by a green light. "FUCKK!" Yelled Adam at the top of his lungs. He started kicking the bottom of the car. 

When the light finally turned green, we had to wait for the cars in front of us to start moving. We eventually started going. We were approaching the end of the intersection when some car comes speeding towards the side of our car from outta the woods. " Holy shit, ADAM LOOK OUT!" He turned towards the direction of the car and hit the gas pedal. But it was too late.

The other car crashed into us, throwing us off the bridge into the forest. We flipped and rolled and went outta conrol. Mom's car finally came to a stop when a tree blocked the car from moving. Everything around me was broken in debris and smoke was coming out from of the engine. I took my hands off my head and returned to my seated position except I was slightly hunched over because the car was on its side. 

"Hello? Is everybody okay?" I asked. No one answered. "Guys? It's not funny. Are you guys okay?" I climbed out of my seat and tried to make my way to thier seats. "Guys?" I made my way there. My face was red and tears rolled down my face. This is the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I looked. Adam lay motionless while Maddie was missing from her seat and there was a large whole in the front window.

"Adam?! Oh my fucking god. Adam! Adam, wake up! Wake up!" I started crying. "Adam! Come on! Please Adam!" I said in a sad voice. He was still motionless. I kissed him on the face of his lifeless body. "I'm sorry Adam, but I have to find her." I kicked the car door open and I ran out. "Maddie! Are you there!" I walked back to the car and grabbed Adam's cellphone and dialed 911. 

"911, what's you emergency?" Said a croaky voice. "I was just in a really bad crash. The c-car rolled into the forest off a bridge. I think my friend is dead and I think my sister flew out the car, but I didn't see her yet." I said worridley. "Okay sweetheart just come down, where are you." Said the voice just more nicely. "Um I-" I started crying but I stopped myself to talk. 

"I'm on 3256, Ford McClain street. We were headed to the hospital because my sister was in labor. But I don't even know where she is." "Okay try to find your sister, we'll be right there." I nodded to myself. "Okay, bye" I hung up and I put the phone in my pocket. I started running around close to the car looking for Maddie. I was just about to give up when I saw something on the forest floor.

"Maddie?!" There was no answer. I ran towards the figure. It was Maddie. "Maddie! Wake up! You can't do this! Your okay! Maddie! Maddie!" Silence. I started shaking her. I was afraid that the baby might have died, but even more afraid that maybe Maddie was dead.

"Maddie! This is not a joke! Please Maddie! Maddie?! Wake up! Wake up!" I started crying harder than ever. "Maddie!" I heard sirens coming in my direction. "Maddie, they're here! You're okay! So is the baby! Maddie! *cries* Maddie! You're not dead! Please! You can make it!" She lay lifeless as I hugged her. When I hugged her there was a sharp pain in my leg. There was a large cut ending with a peice of window glass. 

The sirens stopped and I saw men running towards us three. Some ran towards Adam, some towards me, and most of them towards Maddie. They were doing CPR on both and shocking them."Run!" Yelled a guy. I started running towards the police cars and ambulances. Suddenly, a huge explosion happened all around me. I slid on my legs covering my ears. The explosion settled down and the trees were burning. I was wailing as a policemen helped me up into an ambulance. 

I was waiting in the ambulance for  about 30 seconds when both bloody and burnt bodies were rushed in. The ambulance took off racing up the hills as police cars in front and in back were around. We zoomed really fast towards the ER, where I was supposed to be in the first place. We were going so fast, I almost fell. I started bawling in the truck when I felt large, warm arms hug me. 

It was the policeman that helped me up. "Don't worry sweetheart. Even if they might not make it, just know that they're in a better place. When I was about your age, my mother and brother died in a car crash, it was the worst feeling ever. I was so depressed, but I got over that after I reminded myself that they're always watching over me and that i'm safe with them." I stared into his auburn eyes. They looked sad too. I stared back at the ground, sniffling and wiping off my tears. "What about the baby. It wouldn't be fair, it wasn't even born, and this happened. Even though it might live, it might have life changing injuries." I said looking at Adam. I was almost positive he was dead, but Maddie, I couldn't imagine, and I don't want to.

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