Babysitting & Gymnastics

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Kayci's POV

They opened the door for me and I humg my purse on one of the hooks. I went to see Aiden, who is almost one. Her hair is almost to the bottom of her head and she can kinda babble words. Like I for hi and Ma for mama. She can crawl around and everything. She was lying on a blanket on the ottoman. She said "Ba" which means something. No one knows what it means, but she says it to everybody. 

I picked her up and she started sucking on her thumb. Ellie and her mom left. It was just me and Aiden. I let her color a coloring book while I made her milk with baby formula. When I put in in the microwave, I see blue and orange crayon, all over the wall. "Oh my gosh, Ellie's mom is going to kill me!" I rush over there with a Mr. Clean cloth with Mr. Clean special cleaning stuff and start srubbing at the wall. Aiden crawls off somewhere. I turn around to make sure she's not causing anymore trouble.

I just see her sitting in the middle of the kitchen waving her hands around. When I finally got the crayon off, I here a loud metal like crash, then I here some crying. I drop the cloth and I run over to the kitchen. There's metal pots and bowls and pans scattered across the floor and a crying Aiden. A small bowl landed on her legs. "Aww, it's ok Aiden." I say lifting the crying baby up. I shake her in my arms and pat her back as she drools on my back.

I heard the microwave ding and I opened it with my free hand. I fed her the milk and she started looking tired, thank god. By the time the bottle was empty, she was asleep in my arms. She's so precious. I put her in her crib and she sleeps soundly as I clean up everything. 

She slept for about an hour until I hear her wailing while I was on my laptop writing on Wattpad. (Get it.) I walk over to her room and I pick her up. Then I wrinkle my nose to a bad stench. Awesome. I put her on her diaper changing station and she looks at me with her bright eyes. I change her diaper making a sour face the whole time. I spray febreez in the room and I carry her to the living room. 

I sit her down next to me and she looks at me confused. "This is called TV. I think you'll like it." I say looking back. She looks back at the TV. I turn on SpongeBob and she smiles. I watch with her. I see SpongeBob laugh and then I hear Aiden laugh her cute little laugh. We watch for another hour. After two episodes of SpongeBob, Bubble Guppies come on. She loves that too.

While watching an episode of Bubble Guppies, we hear the garage door turn and Ellie and her mom come in. Ellie looks really happy. "Did you have a good day at gymnastics?" I ask turning off the TV. When I turn it off, I see Aiden look sad. "Yeah! I'm one of the best ones there! Me and one other girl were the only ones who can do three front flips in a row!" Woah."Impressive!"

"So, how was Aiden? Was she being a trouble maker again?" I give her look. "She did make a little trouble, but I showed her the world of television, and she quite enjoys it!" She smiles at me. "Good, because Aiden can make you go nuts!"

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