Big Truck & Bad Luck

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Kayci's POV

School, well life, has been pretty rough without Ashley. She put smiles on our faces everyday and she was always the most happy and she was the most bubbly, cherriest person you'll ever meet. Me and Avery almost died because we were watching a sad movie that was making us cry, and we got the text about Ashley. We were crying so loud and so hard, we were kicked out of the theater.

I kick a rock at Avery's shoe and she kicks it into a bush. The war is still going on, and it's tougher than ever. The only thing we did to them was trash Connor's car with paint. It wasn't even bad though, the black on his red car just made it look better so. In picked up a pebble and threw it at a tree. Avery picked up a peice of small cement but missed and hit the window of a house. The window shattered and we looked at eachother surprised. We started running and we were dying of laughter as we heard a lady scream, "Teenagers!" We slowed down when we got at a light and we crossed. 

"Avery, maybe you should work on your aiming skills." I said looking at her. She started laughing. "And next time, maybe pick a pebble, not cement." She started laughing more. "Well, it's not like I was on a sports team." I looked dumbfounded. "Well? I mean, you should at least have some aim!" I said laughing.

We then heard music from some car behind us. It was playing "Replay" and we started bobbing our heads to the music. We reached the crosswalk. We waited for the car but it stopped for us. Then I realized it was Garret's truck. "Cross, before I go" he said giving us the stink eye. "Okay, okay." I said putting my hands up and pulling Avery along with me. Then suddenly the truck rammed right into us.

An hour later

Ellie's POV

When we heard the news, we knew it was Garret. Christie was hanging with me so we started up the car and drove to the hospital. We ran inside to the front desk. "Um, where's Avery and Kayci's room? We're their friends. We just got the news." Said Christie. "Room 304" Says the lady. Christie nearly tramples me to get to their room. I follow after her. I see them both still and their eyes closed. They're injected with tubes and hooked up to machines, they looked awful."They're in a coma, both. We don't know what will happen. We just have to wait. There's nothing else we can do," says a nurse in the room.

An hour later

We've been waiting for an hour for anything when the nurse called us in. Me and Christie exchanged worried looks and got up and walked behind Nurse Grady. Avery was awake. She was on her phone telling her mom, who was out of town, that she's okay. "Avery!" Says Christie running over to Avery giving her a huge hug. "Ow" Says Avery wincing in pain. "Oh, yes. Soft hugs, two of her ribs were crushed, but both had surgery on any injuries." I looked over at Kayci, still not awake.

We've been waiting for an hour and a half by Kayci's bed for something. Nothing happened. Then suddenly, the slow beeps on her moniter were slowing down even more. "No" Says Avery holding her hand on her forehead. Then we hear a long beeeeeeeeeep. There was a silence. "NO!" I yell as nurse pulls a sheet over her head. "NO! Kayci!" I yell as Christie and Avery comfort me and weeping into my shoulders. "We can't lose anyone else. It's, it's, it's to much pressure."

They let us say our goodbyes for thirty minutes. We only had five minuted left with Kayci. "You were too young, to gentle to be harmed." Says Christie. Suddenly, her moniter flashes on, and starts beeping quickly. Then we look at eachother shocked. Then we switch our eyes on Kayci, and her eyes open.

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