Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Chapter 2

I can’t quite decide if the best thing about being in a hospital- more specifically on suicide watch is the sexy, revealing gowns or the extreme lack of privacy. Seriously the nurse follows me into the bathroom.

Clearly I didn’t think this mess through as well as I should have, because if I did I would be able to pee in solitude- how the good Lord intended it to be done. Or maybe I wouldn’t be peeing at all, but at least I wouldn’t be supervised as I pee.

Wait; hold the phone! Maybe it’s the mesh underwear. Gotta love the mesh underwear. If the last two days here have taught me anything, it’s that nothing is better than disposable panties.

Ugh. I can’t wait to get out of here and pee in private and wear my own clothes.

Though… the extreme lack of a certain asshole has been more than a little welcome. I’m sure once I get home and find and charge my cell phone though, I’ll be singing a different tune.  There’s no way that I could be lucky enough to go without hearing from him for three days. Especially after the stunt I pulled calling him like that.

“How you feeling?” Dr. Farris greets me. I jump a little at the sound of his voice, surprised that he’s suddenly standing so close to me. I was too wrapped up in my thoughts to even notice his entrance.

“Ready to go home,” I trying not to sound as stir crazy as I really am. Honestly, three days in a hospital bed with no visitors aside from the shrink and nurses is enough to drive anyone insane.

“Well then, we’ll see if we can get you out of here tonight,” he says with a warm smile before checking my wounds and confirming they’re healing as they should.

“Really?” I ask unable to hide my excitement.

“We’ll know more after your appointment with Dr. Phillips,” he says and chuckles when my face scrunches up in distaste. Dr. Maggie is nice, really, but she isn’t content with me just promising her I’ll be ok. She wants to dig deeper and find the root of my problems or something like that.

I’m tired of people trying to make me talk about my feelings. I even offered to pay Maggie to sign off that I’m a-ok, but then she just started rambling about my trust issues. I don’t know. Honestly, I kind of tuned out when she started going on about my using money as a defense mechanism.

 “Great,” my voice lacks any and all enthusiasm.

Dr. Farris chuckles once more as he leaves the room. Glad to know he finds me so funny. I huff and then flip through the channels until I find something bearable to watch. But I end up watching the clock more than the TV show. I’m not exactly excited to see the shrink, but at least it’ll make time go a little quicker. And she should give me the ok to go home. Certainly she won’t try to get me committed.

“Knock, knock!” The singsong voice of Dr. Maggie Phillips sounds from my doorway.  Instead of the Subway sandwiches she brought with her yesterday she’s carrying an embarrassingly large arrangement of flowers.

The first real smile to grace my face all day forms on my lips. My father may not have been able to get away from work… or call, but I’m glad to know he at least sent flowers. Or paid his assistant to get the job done, but it’s the thought that counts.

“Hey,” I say holding out my hands for the flowers. Instead of handing me the vase full of flowers, she sets them on the bedside table and plucks the card from the arrangement. I take the small slip out from the envelope secretly crossing my fingers that my dad mentions something about coming home early. But when I see the crooked, scribbled handwriting my smile quickly falls to a frown.

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