Chapter 23

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I knew morning had arrived, but I refused to open my eyes yet. It didn't help that someone was in my room. I didn't know if it was Julia coming in to talk more or reassure me that my father isn't an asshole, or my dad coming in to awkwardly tell me he was wrong, but only because he knew it was the only way to keep Julia from leaving him. Or it could have been either of them coming to tell me that news of my father's criminal activities hit the media. Hoping they would leave me alone if they thought I was still sleeping, I stayed still and kept my eyes closed.

It was when my bed dipped that I became more alert. They weren't just going to let me sleep. I peeked one blurry eye open as I rolled over about to force myself to sit up.

"You don't have to wake up."

Both eyes popped open at the sound of his voice. Tyler was sitting on the side of my bed, next to my legs, taking off his shoes. I blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn't imagining him there, but sure he enough he didn't vanish. His hair was combed different from how I'd grown accustomed to seeing it, less devil-may-care and more All-American, captain of the football team. He was wearing a navy button down shirt, the sleeves rolled up a bit and khaki pants. I couldn't help but smile when I noticed that he didn't change the faded black sneakers.

"You're all dressed up," I said, pausing to yawn mid-sentence.

Tyler turned and flashed the familiar grin. "I had to make sure I'd be let in."

My lips twitched. "You mean you asked permission this time?"

He chuckled and then, free of shoes, walked around to the side of bed not occupied by me and slid in. My phone started playing an annoying ringtone then, the reminder that it was time for me to take another dose of Percocet. I swallowed the pill with a quick sip of water and then took another sip to swish around in my mouth in hopes that it might stop my morning breath from getting to Tyler.

"I didn't mean to wake you up."

He arranged the pillows behind him so that he was sitting with his back at an angle, resting against the headboard. The moment his arm stretched out, I moved closer until I was snuggled against him and rested my head on his chest. His outstretched arm fell around me and rested on my hip.

"It's okay," I said, my eyes already closing again.

When I woke up next, it was to the sound of hushed voices.

"With all due respect, sir. No." I both heard and felt Tyler's words when his voice cause vibrations to spread through his chest.

"This is my house," my father said.

"I understand that, sir." I was a little surprised at how cool Tyler remained. Even his use of sir came out as an honest term of respect and not a sarcastic remark. I had never never managed to not have a tinge of sarcasm when I used the word. "And I know you don't know me, but I am not the man who hurt her."

I smiled a little into Tyler's chest. I knew I should open my eyes and stop this, but I never heard my father act protective over me. And, yeah, it was nice that Tyler wasn't going to let himself be bullied.

"You can stay," my father said finally. "But I expect a word before you leave." I recognized the voice he was using. It was the same tone he used with me when he was telling me something I didn't want to hear. The same tone he used when making deals. It wasn't one to be argued with.

"Of course," Tyler agreed without hesitation and the door to my room clicked shut a moment later. "I don't think your dad likes me very much."

"He doesn't like anyone," I said tilting my head to look up at him. "I'm glad you're here."

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