0ut 0f my 13agu3 (Out of my league)

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I can't seem to fathom a world with or without you

You poison the air with the whispers of my name

I've waited all these days for someone like you to save my life

But you were out of my league

Held by a higher power

Stronger than me and better than me

Somehow you were more than just a dream

You were so much more than just a simple dream

I can tell by the way you felt

Physically and emotionally

I don't know what to tell you

You are a sweet temptation and 

I don't know what I'd do with or without you.

I've tried fixing this head of mine

To better shape you and myself

But you are not part of my subconscious 

You are more than just a dream

And you are certainly out of my league

Out of my league in the sense that you are happier than me

happier in all ways possible and it's amazing

Yet oh so misleading.

Because you aren't actually happy baby

I know that,

I can always tell. 

And at the end of this poem I've written you, 

I would've learned by now.

So that's all baby

I've just learned

to not fish for the out of my league types.

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