Chapter 7

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Doe's POV

"They were acting all weird. Don't you think?"

We had spent that day meeting with a painting company that wanted to contribute to the project. Carla was supposed to go with Matthew but couldn't due to unforeseen circumstances, according to her.

Matthew and I were on the floor, going through boxes of food while discussing the schedule finally sent to us by Lillian. We had met with her and Johnson no more than three days before, so they were right on time.

"No," I paused, answering Matthew's question, "Nothing out-of-the-usual."

He raised an eyebrow at me and read, for the second time, the most shocking detail of Treat Week.

"They want us to visit one of the days," Matthew repeated, still in a state of disbelief.

To save him the drama, I decided to take it solo on the last day - Friday.

Matthew sat comfortably against the wall, with his hair back in its tousled state. His shirt was unbuttoned, partially exposing his grey vest underneath, and the tie he wore that day laid across the floor.

I, on the other hand, changed into baggy clothes. My bun had disassembled and many single braids hung beside my face. Matthew gave me a confused look but never questioned it.

He stayed quiet, enjoying most of his seafood and then turning up his nose at the rest. The shrimp he ate had a blue hue and he inspected them, picking them apart like surgery. I admired the way he did things -carefully and gently.

Our room was soundless and private, so I allowed the conversation to take a bit of a turn. From the moment I was first introduced to Matthew, I had had burning questions. Now was my chance.

"Why didn't you stay at home?" I suddenly spoke up, dipping a chicken wonton into the single bowl of duck sauce that we shared.

"...What?" he shot hesitantly and froze mid-action.

The way he glared filled me with regret. I hadn't even elaborated yet and already, his eyes pierced through mine.

I cleared my throat, "During your year at my school."

Matthew straightened up, then shrugged, "Cuz I didn't want to."

I nodded thoughtfully, but as he looked away, I rolled my eyes. Matthew had a terrible habit of giving vague replies. He would never answer me.

I knew from before that he had rented an apartment, and stayed there most times. Since he was a transfer student, no one questioned it. Now, I was.

"Actually -" he stopped, "I thought I would be better on my own."

"I know."

"...But if you already knew that," Matthew's eyes finally softened, "Why are you asking me, Doe?"

"I just...I don't know. Cause I can," I fumbled and he quietly scoffed, "Weren't you ever scared?"

"Of what? No."

I nodded, "Yeah, faith -"

"It wasn't faith."

Matthew's brows furrowed and with that, I knew our conversation was over.

I sighed, watching him pour some of the sauce into a separate box. The silence fell awkward after that.

Matthew kept darting his eyes between me and the bed. I didn't think he even realised what he was doing.

"Any plans for your life?" he shook out of his daze, startling me.

"Are you serious?" I found slight humour in the way he spoke.

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