Chapter 9 cont'd

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Doe's POV

Matthew was distant and moody for the rest of that day.

Everyone was back at the orphanage around 3 pm but was forced to congregate outside until at least an hour had passed. Ava and I sat on one of the benches, watching Jackley read a little book to himself.

Ava's nails were neatly polished in a nice, teal shade that complemented her fair complexion well. Although the white designs were simple, she loved them. We didn't talk as much for the rest of our time spent together. Honestly, it was a comfortable silence.

The majority of the volunteers were in a circle, playing different trust tests and hand games. Hannah was the most excited, dancing in the middle of the circle. Behind the uproar, Matthew was sitting at the stump of the large oak tree, pulling out young grass.

"I'll be back," I said to Ava, who nodded, and kept her loving eyes on the four-year-old Jackley.

I slid past the crowd, despite their constant pleads for me to join them. Matthew squinted up at me, massaging a clump of dirt in his palms.

"Matthew, why are you acting this?" I squatted beside him, "Like a child?"

"I'm not," he shrugged, letting the dirt go, "How did things go with Ava?"

"How about Jackley?"

I saw him tense a bit, "Fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he laughed, "Well, answer me."

"Oh, right."

I went on to explain to Matthew everything that happened before and after our spa visit.

"Did you get yours done?" He raised his chin, mentioning my nails.

"Of course," I scoffed, flipping my braids playfully. Matthew smiled.

He took my hand gently in his, tracing his caring fingers along my palm. My rose coloured nails gleamed and reflected light at every angle he turned them to.

"Meh," he muttered to himself, finally letting me go.

"Matthew, you can't do any better."

"Of course not," he guffawed.

Matthew stood, dusted himself off and then offered me his hand politely.

"No, I'm good. Thanks."

He walked off, sighing, and peeked inside the building from a nearby window.

Much later that afternoon, everyone settled inside and got back to work.

I noticed the switch from the grey to light green hallways. It was gorgeous. The environment was more open and inviting. Layers of the newspaper still covered parts of the floor, and dusty aprons and boots littered its surrounding environs.

I went into the volunteers' room, where we had been that morning.

"How did everything go?" Hannah suddenly popped up from behind the door and I stumbled backwards.

"Whoa..." I regained my balance, overwhelmed with laughter, "It couldn't have been better. Ava's definitely... somethin'."

"Uh-huh," Hannah smirked, "Well I'm glad you two had fun. Meanwhile, I've been bored all day."

"Aw," I pouted frivolously, "Maybe next time you can join us, pooh."

Hannah and I were in stitches until I heard Miss Hilga's voice.

"Back to work everyone!" she struggled to get anyone's attention without her bell, "And Adler, don't forget Jackley's special task."

I saw Matthew's annoyed body language from across the room and shook my head.

Ava sat at an empty table, busy with a pen and notepad. Her enthusiasm pleased me, for one, and I decided to join her.

"When next can we go out?" she questioned innocently.

I sighed, "I don't know. You had fun?"

She raised an eyebrow at me in deep thought, "Yeah, I guess."

I hesitated.

I needed Ava to know that she could come to me with absolutely anything. I would have wanted to hear that when I was her tender age. I took a deep breath. She had probably heard that a billion times before.

"Ava..." I began, "Let me know... If you ever want to go anywhere, or if you need something. Anytime, okay?"

A smile crept its way onto her young face and reached her bright eyes.

"Thanks," she wrapped her lean arms around my hips.

"Don't mention it."

I wanted to ask about her mother badly but decided against it.

Suddenly, Ava jumped up and announced that she was finished her journal entry.

"I'm going to show Miss," she marched off, exuberantly.

I finally took a seat and leaned back, closing my heavy eyes.

Eventually, I got lost in my thoughts and fell asleep. Not even ten minutes had passed when -


I didn't recognise the voice at first but opened my eyes to see Matthew.

I must have been bone-tired to not put a name to that distinct tone.

"It's still early," he chuckled, "Are you okay?"

"I was," I said impatiently, "But now I'm annoyed."

Matt put his hands up in surrender and grimaced.

Jackley sat where Ava had been earlier, slowly forming letters onto a blank page. With every word he wrote, he glanced up at Matthew who nodded in approval.

"I'm doing good," Jackley murmured to himself and quickened his pace.


"Could you chill, Doe?" Matthew begged once we were back in our room.

I was spreading my perfumed oils on the bedsheets and pillows. It was now a nightly ritual - anything to kill the pinewood scent that still plagued me.

Matthew disappeared into the bathroom, and I took the silence as a time to do my reading. I didn't like anyone hovering over me or asking questions while I read scripture, which he usually did.

Matthew wasn't interested in any of it - all his questions (I found) were just to challenge me. Plus, if he was interested, he would read on his own.

Just as I was mid-session, Matthew returned and joined me on the edge of the bed. I immediately shut the Bible closed.

"Why do you always do that?" he asked sternly.

I sucked my teeth and faced the other way.

I felt him breathing down my neck, and I ignored it until I couldn't anymore.


Knowing Matt, he was always the one to slam down any type of religious talk. Not because he didn't believe, but because it made his mind race with doubt. I assumed that all his life he had been avoiding it.

Still, I knew I was doing the right thing when I put The Book between us and read aloud.

Matthew stayed quiet, occasionally dipping his head as we processed the first book of Peter, chapter three.

"That's it?" he inquired when I stopped reading.

I nodded.

"Alright, goodnight."


Matthew retreated to his side of the room without another word.


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