Chapter 9

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Doe's POV

A small group of painters arrived at the orphanage right at the time we expected them. They received photos of the building beforehand and had made their suggestions. That day, they would tackle the outside decor.

Everyone was packed and waiting, ready to embark on our separate journeys that day. A few selected volunteers paired with orphans to go on an outing. Anyone else who wasn't paired either had the day off or helped with more improvements behind the scenes.

I had Ava Greenwich, the same orphan Matthew had introduced me to, on the first day. Being only eleven and in an orphanage, she reminded me so much of my younger self. And I had no idea where to take her.

As if that task wasn't enough, I needed to show up on the final day of Treat Week at Our Delights. The baking team was doing us a great favour, so it was only courteous. Even if it was just for a few minutes.

"Where are you taking Ava?" Matthew asked, filling a bowl with sugary cereal.

"I don't know," I balanced my weight on one side of my body and eyed him.

I was getting used to Matthew's random and horrible acts. He picked out all the tiny marshmallows and placed them into a separate bowl, turning around and trying to lure Jack with the treat.

"I don't think that will work -"

"Doe," he yawned, "Mind your business. He'll eat it."

"Of course he will," I squinted at the bowl of diabetes, then at his glistening eyes.

Matthew had stayed awake the night before, trying to finalise different plans for the project. He was doing a great job. The fundraising committee had settled on the next idea - a social evening & tea that Carla would host in her community.

In his own time, Jackley got up off the floor and waddled over to Matthew. He rejected the cereal, and Matt huffed in response.

Ava's orange shirt-dress flowed freely against her body as she entered the crowded room. Her long, honey hair was half-up half-down, inching to her middle-back. She approached me as normal and stood without saying a word. I sighed, and when Matthew caught on he lent me a small shrug.

Minutes after, Miss Hilga rang her favorite bell.

"Now that everything's settled with the painters, we can continue with our schedules for today. I want everyone to return to this building by five. After, Matthew, I need you to see that Jack writes a paragraph on how he spent his day."

My eyes widened and Matthew tried to stifle a laugh. That failed, and soon all eyes were on him. Nevertheless, Miss Hilga's words remained and group by group, people dispersed.

Matthew came around the table to wish me goodbye.

"Until we meet again," he bowed, smooching the back of my hand.

It made me and Ava laugh, but especially her. He held his smooth gaze on me as his chilling palm slowly let go of mine, and the initial warmth I felt returned.

"Matthew, just -go," I shooed him away.

"Bye-bye Ava," Jackley stood on his toes, following Matthew's example.

Jack barely held Ava's slim hand, pressing his mouth against it.

"Aw, Jack..." I cooed.

"Learnin' from the best." Matt boasted.

Matthew gave Ava a small pat on her shoulder and then swung Jackley over his. The two walked out of the room, and looking back, Jackley had no idea what was going on. But he waved and flashed his crooked teeth.

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