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I was at home outside smoking with everyone else, before I had gotten a text from Cesar.

Lil spooky
Oscar you've got to help us, JT had took us out for breakfast and had went down the prophets block and we were almost off the block until this girl named Tiana got in front of her car. Now they are just having a stare down and JT had pulled out a gun.

Of course it just had to be Tiana that stopped Jy, they hated each other since kids. Tiana really hated Jyre after she beat her ass, knowing her she might shoot Tiana.

"Aye let's go! Cesar and Jyre are in trouble!,"I said and we got in cars and I zoomed down the blocks before I made to to the end of the Prophets block.

I watched seeing Jy drive forward a bit as Tiana slightly backed away.

"Get the fuck out of my way Tiana!,"She yelled.

Tiana stood her ground and Jy stared back at her, and I seen the fire in her eyes. I knew it was my time to move in, I got out the car and shot in the air and all the prophets jumped and looked at me.

"Listen. I didn't come here for a fight or any bullshit. I came to get my novia. Now Tiana get out of her way, you and I have history you know I don't play."I said as she smirk and bit her lip.

"Yeah I know, I remember it."She said with a giggle before moving out of Jy's way as she drove down the block and looked at me before driving off.

I got in the car following after her, and she drove to the Santos spot. I pulled in behind her and my homie pulled up in front of her, to make sure she wouldn't get out.

She got out the car slamming the door.

"Monse, I want you to stay here with Cesar. For the weekend, you'll be safer here."She said.

"What about you?"She asked worried.

"I'll be fine, I'm gonna go-"

"You're staying here."I said interrupting them.


"Yes you are, I'm not playing. You just got into it with Tiana–"

"I don't give a fuck who I got into it with, I will walk around here untouched and unbothered people know not to fucking play with me."She said and she got in my face with fire in her eyes.

"You know you still look sexy when you're angry."I said and rubbed my thumb against her cheek before she slapped my hand away.

"Don't touch me, you probably used that hand on that bitch you were with last night or worse Tiana."She said before walking inside the house, I chuckled before looking up at the sky.

"Thank you for bringing her back."I said before walking inside going past Cesar's room door before going into my room and I looked inside to see the girl from last night still there.

"Aye get out! My girl is here."I said pulling the covers off of her.

"I thought I was your girl."She said looking pissed before I busted out laughing, she then got up angrily grabbing her clothes before leaving and I grabbed my sheets and washed them.

I heard gunshots going off from the backyard and I looked out to see Jy, I opened the door walking out to see her shooting bottles.

"I see your shot got better."I said and she stopped and turned back to me.

"Thank you for saving Monse and your brother."She said.

"What about you?,"

"I would've made it out of there anyway I could've, but they would've needed help. You use to know me spook, I fight hard and always make it out."She said before turning back and I smiled.

She was the only one to ever call me spook and she's the only one I'd accept it from, maybe I could figure out what happened between us and finally get us back together.

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