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I groan in pain as I heard a dog barking, and I opened my eyes. I coughed sitting up realizing I was in a river as a woman with a man had ran over from the barking and they had seen me.

"Oh my god you're bleeding! We have to get you to a hospital!"The man said and I shook my head.

If they found out I was in a hospital I'd be finished off right there and it would be nothing I could do, or anyone for that matter.

"Do you have thread and needle, with a first aid-kit?,"I asked with a groan as they stood me up.

"Yes at home, where are you from, what's your name? Do you remember anything?"The woman asked.

"I um I don't remember where I'm from, all I remember is it that my name is Jy and I was riding my bike when my tire had hit a rock and flew into the river,"I said lying.

"Oh god that's terrible, come on we gotta get you up it looks bad."The man said and lifted me up and helped me into the car with the dog getting in through the trunk.

We drove to their house in Brentwood and pulled into their garage went inside and they sat me in the bathroom handing me the kit and some new clothes because mine were soaked and left me to clean up.

I fixed myself up and showered before I got out and I sighed looking at myself in the mirror before it was a knock on the door.

I picked up my clothes and opened the door to see a teary eyed monse before she looked up and seen me.

"Jyre!,"She yelled with a smile before pulling me into a hug and I held onto her and I took her and sat her down telling her what happened and what I was planning.

"I'm gonna go get back at Tiana cause I know for a fact that she set it up–"

"She did and Oscar is already handling it, and plus he thinks that you're dead if we don't stop him now he'll go crazy and probably end up dead."She said and I sighed.

"I know and I can't let that happen for mine and Luna's sake."I said with a sigh.

"Then let's hurry up and get back to the spot before he gets back."She said and grabbed me up.

"I want to let him handle Tiana first, and plus I'll need to leave at night. They think I'm dead, I can't let them see me in daylight."I said and she nodded understanding.

Later that night Ruby's abuelita had came and picked me up from Monse's mother and step fathers house I've come to find out. We get back to the spot and hurry in through the backdoor to be met with everyone.

Oscar turned his head and seen me and quickly put down his beer.

"Jy..oh my god."He said and I ran pulling him into a tight hug and he kept his face in my neck to hide his crying and I was crying so loud that they probably wouldn't have heard him anyways.

I had took Oscar into his room and sat him on his bed while I sat in a chair.

"Once we get them bitches that tried to kill me we gone lay low for a while, then  you're coming with me next month to meet Luna."I said.

"You think she'd want to meet me?"He asked unsure.

"Yes all ever does is ask about her dad and now instead of just telling her about you she can meet you instead."I said and he smiled.

"I've always wanted to have kids but I never wanted to raise them here, I wanted to move them somewhere better and I'm glad that you did that for Luna and I understand why you did what you did you were just looking out for Cesar and I. Also I'm sorry for what I said and did earlier"He said and I nodded.

"It's fine, but that hurt me bad spook. The thing is no matter how hard we may try, I don't think I could see myself being with you yet."I said and he sighed and nodded understanding.

"I do love you and never stopped, I hope you know that. Tomorrow we'll plan some more, but for now get some sleep. I'll be on the couch."I said getting up.

"No, I'll wash the sheets and you can sleep in here and I'll sleep on the couch."He said getting up.

"I can't do that, I wouldn't want to lay in that bed no matter what the condition was, just make me a pallet on the floor. I'll be fine there."I said and he went getting some sheets and comforters laying them out for me.

I had laid down as he turned out the light, I sighed looking at the ceiling deep in thought.

All this can happen from only a few weeks in the ridge, imagine a year.

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