We had figured out which of the guys was, and it wasn't hard because half of them couldn't drive and plus they were know to go out on hit missions. They fucked with the wrong one and they paid, but I know that they'd have their revenge waiting on us.
I didn't have time to worry about that, I was meeting my daughter. We had got there by car, my impala to be exact. It was Jy in the front, with Monse, and Cesar in the back. Their annoying friends weren't able to come, especially Jasmin.
Not enough room, plus I wouldn't want my impala smelling like egg salad. We had gotten to Jyre's house, and right when she got out the door opened and a young girl had ran to her and hugged her.
She then looked behind her to see us getting out.
"Monse!,"She said and ran pulling her into a hug, and Monse happily hugged back, before separating.
She then looked at us before going over to Jyre trying to whisper, but I and Cesar could hear.
"Mamá, ¿Quiénes son?"She spoke which shocked me, Jyre had her learn Spanish?
|Mama who are they?|
Jyre looked at me as I looked at her with a look of surprise, before turning to her daughter.
"I'll tell you once we get inside, and they get settled. Now go inside with your uncle Shiloh and help set up for the pizza alright."She asked and Luna gave her a nod before going inside and I came next to her taking Luna's spot.
"You taught her Spanish?,"I asked, while we walked into the house.
"Yeah, I know it's something you would've done. I let her talk with people that speak Spanish, I travel with her to Spanish speaking countries and have her speak in Spanish to be able to communicate better. Especially with you and Cesar, I hoped the day when I was free from my parents grasp we'd all be together. We'd be laughing and joking, just enjoying ourselves in the moment from being reunited but I guess things just take time in the end, or they all around just don't work out."She said solemnly as her voice cracked.
"Come on I'll show y'all to your rooms."She said and picked up her bags and went upstairs and showed all of us our rooms, it was a very spacious house and it gave a family home feeling to it, that's what all Jyre ever worried about.
The same thing she cared the most about in life had been the thing that entrapped her. After we all settled in we had washed our hands and cleaned up a bit before going downstairs.
When we had gotten down I was met with three pairs of eyes. Jyre, Shiloh and Luna.
"Hey Oscar how have you been?,"Shiloh asked.
It's hard to believe, but him and I were best friends. It hurt when he left as well, but not like Jyre.
"Ive been good still keeping things running smooth and keeping these fools spooked."I said and we both shared a laugh, and I heard a small laugh and looked to see Luna covering her mouth.
"Jyre said we'll tell her after we've eaten."He whispered and I nodded.
We sat at the table, and it was a lively conversation among everyone but me. I was so anxious and I was so glad I had something to chew on, I was a stress eater believe it or not.
When everyone was done we all gathered around in the living room, everyone sat as Jyre stood.
"So Luna baby, you asked me earlier who these people were and now we've all gathered around to tell you exactly who they are. I don't know how you're going to take this, but baby this is your uncle Cesar and this...this baby is your father."She said holding her hand on my shoulder as tears filled her eyes.
"Wait What?,"Luna said tearing up as she looked from both of us, making myself tear up she had rose from her seat and came over to me and put her hands on my cheeks.
"Dad?,"She said and I put my hands on top of hers as tears fell down my cheeks.
"Si mi princesa, soy tu padre."I said and she quickly pulled her hands away and looked at all of us before running upstairs.
"Luna!,"Jyre said concerned about to go upstairs, but Shiloh had stopped her.
"No, Oscar you go up and talk to her. She's just overwhelmed, she's been waiting for years for this moment and now that it's happened she doesn't know how to handle it. Just talk to her and calm her down."He said to me and I nervously got up wiping my tears.
I went up and found her room with her name on the door, and I knocked before hearing come in and I sighed before opening the door.

FanfictionLove of a Santo "I have the love of a Santos, when people say I'm in danger I really know I'm protected." In this book shit gets real, real quick. #4 in justineskye | 06/10/19 | #1 in OMB | 10-19-20 | #1 in Oscar | 04-07-22 | #3 in diaz |07-03-22|...