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Here I was sitting around the table with all the Santos. Many stood around me as the house was filled to the max, this was something dangerous but it was something that needed to be done.

These prophets needed to be taken down, and it seemed that I just had to be the one to do it.

" I know that what I'm getting y'all into right now is something crazy, but we can't keep letting these Prophets keep trying us. One day this shit is gone come back, but it's just gone come back on me. Thank all of you for being on my side for this. You are all truly my familia. To Oscar!, " I yelled out to get the happy shouts in return.

" To Oscar!, " The house roared along with me.

We all left out the house and piled into cars and vans, before making our way into Prophet territory. I had kissed the cross chain on my neck before pulling down my mask and having my gun ready.

We jumped out the vans and cars before we started our rein of terror.


I had bounced my leg up and down anxiously, I looked at Oscar laying there. It's almost been a week since I've seen him smile or laugh, just even hearing him talk.

It was driving me crazy but watching Luna with him was something that could calm me down. She would climb on the bed and sit next to him and just talk, or read to him.

She loved Oscar.

Any fool could see that from a mile away, you wouldn't believe that these two had just ended up meeting a while ago if you were to see them.

It was absolutely beautiful.

" So then after I did the funny trick mama had busted out laughing while uncle Shiloh had the whole pie on his face. She was laughing so hard that she pee'd on herself. " Luna said laughing to him.

I smiled at the two before looking up to the TV to see the news was on, and it had a helicopter recording the prophets territory.

I quickly got up and went out to look for Jyre but she wasn't out there with Shiloh or Monse.

" Where is Jyre something is going down on the prophets block!, " I announced to them before we ran back in the room watching the segment.

Yes, it was a shootout here which claimed the life of mostly all of the residents here, very few were injured but the injuries they face are mild. The bodies that were laying behind this tape was outrageous, this was classified as gang activity.

We will have more at 10.

We were torn out of our daze on the tv by yelling.

" Please help us!, " We heard Jyre yell out and we see her limp in holding her arm along with some Santos with worse looking injuries.

I caught a glimpse of her and she looked at me and gave me a nod with a small grin before they took her away.

It was her that took down the prophets.

Jyre Tyson Santos Warrior.

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