Later that night we were sitting at the table eating, things were fine until Monse and Cesar kept looking between Jyre and I. At first it was harmless, but now feeling the constant eyes on me it's annoying me.
"What?,"I asked annoyed at the two.
"Nothing."They said too quickly.
"Monse go to Cesar's room and Cesar you obviously go too, you're both done eating and I'll never finish with you two staring at me."She said before the two quickly got up going to Cesar's room.
"You know, this reminds me of the time we had that gang meeting and you put those two guys in their place. I thought damn is that my girl? My girl is that badass?,"I said with a laugh before she slightly chuckled.
"I see what you're trying to do Oscar, trying to bring up all the good times like I'm just gonna reminisce and fall back into your arms, you know with me it's never easy."She said looking up from her plate and into my eyes.
"What happened between us? I thought everything was good? Why did you just leave out of the blue like that, changed your number and left me like that. You know we were going through a rough time around here and I needed you Jyre I really fucking needed you."I said and slammed my fist down onto the table as anger started to consume me.
"You had Tiana, so no you didn't fucking need me."She spat angrily before getting up about to walk out.
"No we're not fucking done here, you know I was drunk that night! We were also on a break so what does it fucking matter!,"I yelled pulling her back.
"The fact that you we're drunk is supposed to make it better! You fucked the bitch I hated, even before she was a fucking prophet! You know what that bitch put me through you fucking knew Oscar! And a break?! You know damn well I never would even think of looking nor breathing near another guy especially a prophet drunk or not! You know why?! Because there was always this one person that had my heart and my body that I know I could never fucking betray, but I guess I wasn't that person for you."She said snatching away before leaving out, leaving me standing there to think and to feel the impact of her words.
They stung because I knew that she was right, I would've ran to her and apologized and just admitted that was my fault, but I didn't because of my pride and because I didn't want to agitate her more cause then she'd pull away even more.
My Questions still went unanswered.
I sighed taking a breath as I sat in the backyard on a empty milk crate, I felt the dampness on my cheek before wiping it away with a shaky breath. I know what I did was wrong, intentionally starting that fight with him so he could stop asking questions.
I hated all the pressure put on me to talk, there was only one person I needed to talk to, I quickly dialed the number and got my brother on the phone.
"Hey Shiloh can you put Luna on the phone."I asked.
"Yeah hold on"
"Alright thanks."
"Hi Mama! I miss you so much, when are you coming back? You know my soft ball game is coming up next month and if we win this one we get a huge trophy! And I don't want you to miss it."
Hearing her sweet voice brought a smile to my face, it took away any bad emotion I was feeling a few moments ago. Luna was my happiness, who can actually say that their 10 year old is their happiness?
"Baby you know I wouldn't miss it for the world, and maybe I'll bring Monse and some other special people that really want to see you."I said before seeing Oscar come to the back door looking at me with his piercing eyes.
I turned and finished the conversation with her with an ending 'I love you'.
"There was someone else huh?,"I heard before turning around to be chest to chest with Oscar.
"What are you talking about?,"I asked.
"The one you were on the phone with telling them that you love them, he's normal right? He's not from the hood? He's not always strapped up with targets on his back? He isn't a killer like me huh? When you're with him you turn into a fake stuck up rich girl, knowing where we started from? I know I've made mistakes, but I would've never left you in a time of need especially for someone else who I can't be the real me in front of."He spat angrily.
"There is no one else Oscar! Why are you always so fucking delusional!,"I said walking off before he pulled me back.
This time into a deep passionate kiss, I would be lying if I said I didn't feel sparks for the second time again, but this isn't what I wanted nor needed at the moment.

FanfictionLove of a Santo "I have the love of a Santos, when people say I'm in danger I really know I'm protected." In this book shit gets real, real quick. #4 in justineskye | 06/10/19 | #1 in OMB | 10-19-20 | #1 in Oscar | 04-07-22 | #3 in diaz |07-03-22|...