18) "The Sex is Great"

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Stella | Oliver

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Stella | Oliver

*Notification: OLIVE👄

Hii, whats up?

Nothing, i just got back from Caleb's game.

Ooohh how was it?

It was good, they won. The girls were going crazy!

What do you expect? He's the star QB.

I meant for me...


You don't believe me?

You want me to believe you?

Fine, dont. Thought I'd let you know,

Well I'm glad for your heads up, but I don't think that's a concern, Olive.

You're not worried?

Worried about what, exactly?

That I'll...go and do something.

Why would you do that?

I don't know...people do it

"Is the sex not good?"

The sex is great, Stella. But like...it just, you know.

I've lost you, fuckboy and I've an assignment due in less than 24 hours. Talk later?

Ok. Bye.



You're mad at what exactly?


Jesus, Oliver I really need to work on my assignment.

Fine, go.

Whatever, I'll deal with you later. Just don't get too drunk okay?




I like you 😽




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