19) "Why does everyone think I'm a Nympho?"

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Oliver | Caleb | Judaline

"So let me get this straight, you are pissed because your girlfriend didn't get jealous of another girl?"


"Oliver, do you realise that is one of the traits for a dream girlfriend?"


"You on the other have all the traits to be be a dream wife, baby."

"In your dreams, White."

"In my dreams, we're married with two ki-"

"If you're done with your lovers spat, can I get your attention?"

"Aww, you poor baby, are you insecure?"

"Seriously Judy?"

"Alright, fine. Oliver, why are you mad at your girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Now I get it!"

"Get what?"

"He's mad that Stella won't be his girlfriend."

"What? No I-"

"Ooh yes! You need to ask her out silly."

"What? No. No way, plus she's not ready."

"And how do you know that?"

"I just do. She hasn't spoken about it and I told her I'll be giving her the space that she needs."

"Oliver you guys have been exclusive m months now."

"I know."

"Wait, are you bored?"

"No! Are you crazy?"

"Is the sex not good?"

"What? Why does everyone think I'm a Nympho?"

"Its natural."

"Shutup, Caleb."

"I just...I don't know. I feel like I'm the only one who wants this to work out, you know? She doesn't even out in the effort to think of doing something couple-y which makes me question if I'm forcing her-"

"You're wrong."

"Excuse me?"

"Look, Oliver. Have you thought that maybe she's waiting for you to make a move?"

"Its Stella we're talking about here, Judy."

"I know. That's why I'm saying this. She's waiting for you, Oliver. I know this and I know this because I talk to her and she's absolutely crazy about you."

"She is?"

"Absolutely, won't stop yapping about you. Which by the way was a dick move on your part to not say 'i like you' back."

"Ugh...I know."


"What now, Cal?"

"What the fuck are you still doing here?"

"I, I'm going."

"Oh and Oliver?"


"If you're gonna ask her out...take her to that place where you made her watch the stars, she won't stop talking about that night."

"Ill keep that in mind...thanks."

"Dude, seriously get out."

"Why do I even bother?"

"Why do I even bother?"________________________

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