24) "I'm not going to stop until you beg me to, sweetheart."

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In. Out. In. Out.

Despite all her frivolous efforts, Stella was going to need something more to go through with the evening. It had been over a year since Stella and Oliver moved in together, things were, to say the least: Invigorating. She never imagined being tied down to one person, she was independent in her way and she loved Oliver for not taking that away from her. He gave her the space to enjoy herself, figure herself out and knew exactly when she needed a break; the best kind of break.

Stella was also figuring out the enigma that was Oliver. She was in awe of his ability to manage time so well, he was now working for a consultancy part-time as a web developer and he looked absolutely hot when he talked tech. The year had flown in a flurry of emotions, relating to their relationship as well as their career. It was almost June and although the pink flowers signifying the start of summer, hadn't bloomed to their full potential yet, she knew this was the start of something new. After all they were graduating in less than two months and she was yet to break the big news to Oliver.

Tonight it is, she thought.

Glancing at her pastel pink bedside clock, she sighed when the clock read six. Oliver would be coming in soon from work and she hadn't even lit the candles yet, a romantic dinner was the perfect way to break the news and she didn't want to delay it any further because she was petrified. For them.

Shaking her head, Stella pulled herself out of her negative thoughts and sauntered towards their living room in her sleeveless black a-lined dress. She had straightened her otherwise wavy hair, and worn red lipstick, feeling rather bold and flirty, she knew Oliver loved it and she needed him to be in the best mood for what she was about to tell him. After placing a bottle of red wine on the table along with two glasses, Stella managed to go to the room and get the envelope that contained her happiness yet filled her with dread, and placed it gently on the table. Sucking in a long breath, she waited for Oliver to come and what was to be a long long night.

Oliver was a little peeved, he wasn't that happy with the way the new app was coming about and on top of that his boss wanted him to go out and work full-time for about a year, thousands of miles away in Jersey. Fuck, just when he thought his life was finally functioning normally, something big came in. Although the prospect of going to Jersey sounded extremely thrilling, it meant costing him a lot, like for example, his relationship and his beautiful girlfriend.

He couldn't afford to leave her, he wouldn't be able to do it.

But he knew how much Stella loved her goals and ambitions and she wanted nothing less for him, something that he was more than happy about when they moved in together. She was constantly the support that he needed when it came to his ambitions and he loved that she emboldened him with new ideas and thoughts when his creativity ran low. It was surreal, this was it for him. If he ever got into a serious relationship, this was what he had imagined and Stella encapsulates every essence of someone he can see a future with. Which is why, he also knew that if she gets to know that he hid this opportunity from her or didn't take it, she would not think once before slapping him right across his jaw.

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