A Family At Last

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At last, the day came when I should greet my "step-mother". I wonder how she is gonna be like. Scary clown-woman? A kind old lady who bakes cookies? Murderer?

 I wore an aqua-green sleeveless shirt with some white jeans. My shoes were green with white laces. My hair was curly with a green bow.

My step-mom came through the gate in a Mercedes. Fancy.

Wore a nice designer gown. Wow. 

Had make-up enough to cover the body of an elephant. Twice. Awesomeness.

I ran to greet her.

"So you are the girl. Annabelle or something".she snarled. She sounded exactly like my good-for-nothing principal Mr. D.

"Annabeth, "I said.

"Whatever. Tour of the house", she snapped. She was here for only a few minutes I am starting to not like her, no, make that a hate her.

But on the other hand, my dad likes her, so I have to deal with her.

Remember dad. I am doing this for you.

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