Introducing... the Introduction!

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Welcome back. Did you miss me?

It's been a solid year since I last did this. And to be honest, I don't know what to write, or how to organize it. Perhaps I'll start by telling of how I look back on my writing, only a mere year after its blooming.

For one, I do regret how my poetry sounded. The way I put emotions far ahead of my senses gave an overly melodramatic feeling. I don't like the forms, words, nor the ideas of my 2017 poetry, and how focused they were on emotion. It feels almost shameful for me.

What I've gradually come to learn was that poetry should require some thinking as well. So, as slightly embarrassed as I am to have poetry like that up, I would like it to be known. I will let it stay, for it is a way for me to see the path of my writing.

I write this near the end of the year. Final exams are lurking near, and so I find it beneficial to begin this a little early. It is the 9th day of May at the time of writing this.

Slapping a date on everything I write is something I find warming, should I find it a year later and wish to know when it was scratched on that paper.

The categorization of this story will be different than Overview of Middle School; and it will mostly be in chronological order, encompassing the different events and topics in each part to demonstrate the trail of my major key points in life.

I started this last year to help me, and I continue this to teach me.

Summary of Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now