I Had Ta

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Folks want ta tell ya, about the time. Well, hell had ta kill me a Ranger. Tracker actually. Lan sakes fool killed my best Friend Norm Parson. Damn him!

Well, it all started I was just out patrolin. Near Myrtles, decided to check in on Norm, maybe Jacob be around also. Besides always like seein that wife and daughter of his. She could cook, I mean damn fine cook. Sarna well she was just walkin last time I saw her.  Wanted to tell Norm all about Liz.

When I gets ta his and Jacob's place. They getting ready to bury Norm at sea. I go out with them. Me and Jacob roll him overboard. Sarna, she be about nine. Jacobs wife is dead. Barbarian raid got her.

Folks, I feel all hurt inside, even tellin you about it.
Me and Jacob had us a Corn Licker. Well, a few let's just say. I finally ask what or how it happened.

Folks I go past the losing a friend, ta plum mad. Bite the head off a damn snake mad. Ya know how I fear snakes. So I am past mad Folks. Jacob said guy gut shot him. Right in the damn Station house.
Now Folks, guy totten a gun. Norm not able to protect his self. Tells me it was a Ranger. Jacob thinks the same. Jacob wants ta head out find this guy, lady. I say, no nope, ya ain't I'll do it.

Jacob hands me a letter. He said Dad wrote this for you. He lived for three days. I didn't open it. Figured it was between you two. If it has who done it. Kill them Common kill them without honor.
I looks at him, they'll get no honor. I promise you that. Folks this here is a copy of it. Wrote just the way Norm did.

Common, I am writing you this because you are the only one that knows. What I did, keep that list of names. Warn Jena in Himyar, a Tracker his out and about. Look for a Norm Junior, yes he is my son. Just as Jacob is my son. He will protect his mother Jena.

You know this Tracker, we both do. Corporal Buck, Missasip Ranger. I know he is waiting for Jacob to show up, or someone to show. To avenge me. I believe he will go to, Tabor City. Common he needs killing. Talk will do no good. Don't face him down,
he is much faster than you. Take my seventy-five Sharps. Told Jacob that was yours.

Common remember he is just a killer. Nothing more. I lived a happy life. Done what I thought was right.
Common stay true, you were the best friend and Ranger I ever met. Live long, protect my boys and Grandchildren.

As always your Friend,
Norm Parson

Folks I'm plum, ready ta ride off. Tabor City, what a place. Nothin, not even a city. Half the population is old Army. Rest well good people, just not much in the way of entertainment. Why go ta Tabor. Then it hits me, Folks they don't care. Old Army, they'll look the other way. That Buck gets himself killed they won't say a word. I gets myself killed do the same.

I finished up, that letter. Jacob I say, you take care that young Sarna. I am headin out in the morning.
Gots, some business ta attend to. Concernin your Pa. Then I asked, Kit around? He said Kit just rode in, this morning. Jacob shouted you takin Kit, I should go, not him! I tells him he ain't goin, I do this alone. Don't need more people involved.

Oh before I forgets, didn't read that letter till the next day. New ol Buck wouldn't run off. He liked a fight. Probably figures I'll be comin after him or Kit. Kit was at Missie's place. Having breakfast, I walks over, Kit nods at me. After we do our hellos.
Tell him about that letter. Mind ya Kit is only about Jacobs age. I trust him, stopped in at my Station a few times. Just ta talk, like the man. Well, I tells Kit to watch over his friend, Jacob. Ifin I don't come back in a week, ya knows I failed.

Kit asks what do I do then? Tells him ta inform the town Elders, Shield and Jacob. Why Norm was killed. Help keep a watch over him and Sarna. Kit agrees, we have a coffee and talk a bit more on nothin important.

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