What The?

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I tell ya sometimes, its the little things that pop ta
mind. Like the time, well me and Norm ya see were laying low. Takin a break so to speak.

We just left up Maine way, rode hard I am telling
you get out that blame cold. Well it was still cold
mind ya but, we made it to Virginia proper Haggers town. Least ways it wasn't slur your
speech cold. As Norm would put it freeze a tit off a cow.

Norm hopped off his horse jumped a few times.
Finally he shouts feel it! By gosh the sun warmth!
It ain't Maine he says. I kinda smile look at him
then it hits me. What the tarnation is that pointing
at this big iron cylinder thing with wheels.

Mind ya I'm more confused than normal. Norm
Hell he is gawking twisting his head looking.
Mind ya Norm isn't easily confused.

Common never seen such a thing he says.
Looks might strange, sure doesn't belong.
Well this guy he is a polishing that rusted hulk
of thing. Norm walks over towards this thing.

I am a following not more than a step behind.
Mister he says, just what is this contraption?

Oh my you startled me, hi Rangers well I am not
really sure. Looks like some kind of water tank.
Found it in the cellar of that house yonder.
More stuff in where this came from.

This thing it took two horses to pull out of that
cellar. All kinds oddities in with it. Well Norm
he tries turning this pulley or wheel hooked to
this funny V shaped thing. He can't get it to budge.

Norm thought a bit, you know I think this is
some kind of pump the cylinder is a water tank
draws water from a well or another ground tank.

I don't know what the blame thing is, at this point.
I say lets check and see if theys a well or cistern
in the cellar. Norm nods we go down into the cellar. Well more oddities abound.

This thing I don't know how to describe it.
looked like a big chunk of iron it had tubes running off the sides into one that went into the
ceiling. Small tank to the side with iron tubes
going into the top. Had this plate it said Total
Electricity Company. Well I heard of lectricity.

Not of electricity, suppose it meant the same thing.
Norm now he is all pumped, these are machines!
By gosh Common machines. Mister he says how did you find this place?

Let me introduce myself James is my name.
I was hired to tear down that wall that covered
the door down into the cellar. The owner was
amazed to find the cellar behind this wall.
he didn't know the house had a cellar. Or the

Norm smiled well recon it was a mistake James.
Best move that back into the cellar. Fill the cellar
with rock and those bricks. Seal it up tight, against
the law to know the past. Don't need people messing with those things. I am Norm this Common we'll be hanging around so best get
on it.

Rangers I didn't know what I found. I didn't knowingly commit a crime.

Well Norm says, I know you didn't just cover it all up. I didn't see a thing. Well I was just about to say
Norm I don't really agree with that Law.

When Norm said I don't agree with it James don't
want to enforce it. So let's make it where no one has too.

I smiled ya I agree lets, blame stupid law. Me and
Norm even helps the guy take care of it.

Me and Norm gets a room, fine place too soft bed
no noise. Hotel they calls it, not an Inn or Motel
no Pleasantry workers. Just a quiet place to sleep.

To quiet for me, I look at Norm before he gets comfortable. I am a going for a walk maybe get an ale I says. He says Common I am tired its quiet
I want ta sleep. You don't get in any trouble now.

Well me being Common I said I do have common
sense, I'll not enforce the Law with out you now.
Just wants an ale is all. He says fine I'm going to sleep.

I finds this nice place, no ruckus going on.
Just two other fellas having a drink. Well it's
a dive of a place. I lean up against the bar an ale
If you please. What ever those two are a having.

The bar keep says one straight copper for them
first one is on the house Ranger. Not as ifin I didn't
know that.  I take a good long drink, those two fellers are laughing and joking.

Well normally I try and keep the door in view.
The bar was laid out, to where I couldn't see the blame door. So I  took the best spot.

Well in saunders this sweet thing, I take my eyes from that low cut shirt she was wearing look at
her waist. Damn she is a carrying. Well my hand is resting on the pistol grip, fast as I could.

She isn't dressed like a Ranger does have a Ranger
hat on. Not a Ranger though. Damn I promised Norm I'd stay out of trouble. Don't want a stand off.
Darn it all just wanted a peaceful drink.

She tosses a straight on the bar, corn whisky she says. Then I hear Ranger take your hand off the pistol. Don't get freaky on me I am a Ranger.

I says missy I won't just show me proof is all.
I'm here just having an ale. Why you payin
I says first one is always free.

Well I get this devilish grin, I needed to relieve myself. This Saloon doesn't have a ladies privy.
I went around the back to make water.

Well that made me laugh hard, I says can I see your shield or badge please and the name Ranger.

Betsy here tossing her badge on the Bar.

Where did ya come from Betsy as I  hands back the
Badge. Looking her in the eye. Something about
her strikes me as off.

Oh Missasip just patrolling is all. You she says.

Maine deary, just happy to be a little warmer.

She tossed back her corn whisky smiles says Ranger in training be good, I am off to sleep.

Next day I mention to Norm about Betsy, how I felt
she was a little off. Couldn't tell what I meant as off. Just didn't seem right is all I could say.

Told him she wore tight pants not a uniform.
Very low cut shirt, she showed her curves long
blonde hair. Bama Ranger was her badge.

Well Norm says blonde hair, Betsy sounds like.

Norm stopped mid stride, that Betsy said well
Norm Parson I believe. Norm didn't say a word,
His right leg bounced a few times. She said cat got
your tongue.

Norm kinda shook his head, not hardly he said.
What is it you want and, why you here?

I came looking for you, been watching out for ya.
You know we two are linked. I want to get Wed to
ya Norm. Magine the children we'd make.

Norm turned to walk away, as he did Betsy I want
no part of being Wed to ya, nor makin children.
We aren't linked I didn't feel ya.

Norm She shouted I love you! Can't we least try
this out! Norm just out right said no Betsy now quit tryin to find me. Want no part of it. Norm said
come on Common lets get to that station.
We need to draw supplies.

We both heard the click of a hammer locking back.
As we turned Bam, that sweet young thing blew
her damn head off.

Norm well lets say he wasn't right for awhile.
Don't know if he ever got completely over it.

I know was a little long winded. It needed tell in.
Oh and I said What The when she killed herself.
Might disturbing I am a tellin ya.

Well next maybe we will talk about the Wet Lands
who knows.

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