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So I talked to him and he just looks at me and has one hand tied behind his back and I just totally dismissed that and talked about what he wanted to talk about.
Me: "Ok, What's up?"
Chris: "Can you forgive me for being so blind? I should've known she was trouble from the start"
Me: "It's Ok I forgive you, you loved her, of course you were gonna be by her side, I totally get that Chris, you are being a good person to her and clearly she did not deserve you at all"
Chris: "Yeah well I know that now"
Me: "Yes you do"
Chris: "I still feel like a total idiot still"
Me: "Listen, you are not a idiot, you thought she was being faithful and telling the truth but screw her, I mean my Ex Husband is gone out of my life and I thought things would get bad and honestly you made it so much better, you saved my Heart Mr. Sabin"
Chris: "I did?"
Me: "Yeah from breaking to so many pieces and I don't know what I would've done if it wasn't for you, I was frightened of falling in love again until I met you and you made it work for me but it's ok if you don't feel the same, I would completely understand, I mean who would want to be with a Divorced woman with 2 little kids anyway?"
Chris: "Kids or No Kids, I feel the same way about you too"
Me: "Really?"
Chris: "Yes and I wanted to thank you, for making me see the light, this is why I got you these...."
(He got me the biggest bouquet of Flowers ever)
Me: "Oh My Gosh.... You shouldn't have"
Chris: "Actually I do and I want to date you from now on if it's ok with you"
Me: "Sure, I will get a baby sitter and I'll go out with you one day, when both of us are free"
Chris: "See you Soon beautiful"
He kisses my cheek and goes back in his car and drives off, I'm glad that now he knows me now I feel like I have his attention and I feel so much happier.
He did fix things for me and made me think outside the box and he did help me come out of my shell and that was no thanks to Velvet but I'm glad because from now on it's him and I.

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