Ch3 • Shadows and Corners

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Ly♠: Just a heads up, this chapter is gonna be a bit long. So reading may take a little while. (Not like y'all haven't read longer. But anyways, enjoy~~~


2 Days. That's all it took to bring my introverted/agoraphobic ass to go outside. Which is I might say, is a very VERY rare sight to see. I would never get out of the house, unless I was told to (correction, 'forced to'). And here I am, getting out of my new abode, then actually experiencing the outside world with my own decision.

I walked by the snow coated sidewalk with my hands gripping the inside of my pockets. I don't really understand myself most times, like, why do I have to make last minute decisions on the worst timings possible?

For example, right now. I decide to get out of the house for the very first time, and in the midst of winter. Amazing right? And yet, I didn't even dare to get out of the house, on a more decent season.

But, I don't know, my feet were just itching to get out of that house. It's as if, something was pushing me to get out of there. And as I've said before, although I could feel warmth and a sense of home from that house, it wouldn't avert me from the fact that I could still feel something strange and eerie from it. And I must say, it isn't anything near comfortable. I needed to get out eventually.

And here I am now, in between feeling a tad bit of regret because I'm freezing af, and slightly relieved at the same time. Because I could finally breathe out, after what felt like suffocating in that new household.

The neighborhood was peaceful and quiet, since people rarely come out into the streets, especially in seasons such as this one. Obviously, who would want to go into the blizzardy snow and freeze? Except for the kids who'll go play in the snow from time to time, that is.

But right now, while I walk the cold streets, I've noticed that I was the only one outside at the moment. Which probably caused the peaceful silence. As all I could hear were occasional gushes of wind that hits my face, and my steps as I head to no where in particular.

Not long after, while I was walking and familiarizing myself with the streets, turning a corner end of the sidewalk I came upon a cozy looking café. Antiques of various kinds were placed in front of the glass, which caught my full attention on first glance.

Without hesitation, I pushed the door open and went inside. I heard the bell above the door ring as I made my way inside. Looking around, I glanced at the whole shop in awe.

Warmth. That's the first thing I felt when I came out of the cold streets, and into the warm café. It felt nice.

It didn't look anything fancy or grand, but it gave a warm cozy feeling that I couldn't explain as much. The walls were covered in a yellowish colour, almost looking rather vintage. While the chairs and tables were made of an old looking wood. It balanced out with the vintage walls, as I felt like I came back into the past even if I wasn't born during those times yet. I loved how the place looked very much.

While I was busy admiring the interior of the cafe, I didn't realize that the cashier has already been aware of my presence from the sound of the bell. Only have I noticed when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. This pulled me out of my trance, and I immediately realized how long I have been looking around.

"May I help you?" A woman in her 50s I presume, asked sweetly. I pursed my lips trying to talk, before breaking into a soft fit of chuckles in embarrassment. "I'm terribly sorry, I probably looked like a lost child for a moment there" I said looking down with my cheeks starting to heat up. She chuckled as well but shook her head in disagreement.

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