Meeting your Idol

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Readers point of view uwu ~

It was a quiet Sunday afternoon and I was just a couple hours into my shift at the cat cafe. I looked at my surroundings as I was washing up some dishes I had used earlier to cook, the walls were painted with cartoony silhouettes of felines, and the window outlooking the dining area gave me a good view of the cats. I had been working here at Cafe Felidae for about 4 months now, so I knew all the cats' names. There was Marie, the autistic tabby, Yuümi Kitty, the fluffy ragdoll, Tilly, the fussy tortoiseshell, Stalin, the stubborn oriental, and Russel; I don't like Russel. He called me a smelly.

I got the job to pay for my tuition, it was pretty easy for me to get hired since the cats naturally already like me because I'm part cat, and if you're going to work with cats, it would be best if they liked you. Plus I also brought in my signature brownies, and they were a big hit. They're actually on the menu now. I giggled uwu as I watched Marie fall over trying to look up at one of the waitresses, until I heard the door chime open. I turned back to my washing up and cleaned the last two plates, half heartedly listening in on my friend who works at the till.

"Good afternoon sir and welcome to Cafe Felidae! Would you like a table for t-"
I heard her suddenly stall for a second, I perked up my cat ears, intrigued. I heard her cough weakly before repeating herself, albeit shakier than before. "T-table for two then?".

What's up with her? I thought to myself, putting the last plate on the drying rack, still trying to listening in on what was happening out there.
"That would be great, thanks." I heard a strong masculine voice chime out, a tiny spark lit up in my brain as I heard him, I swore I recognised it from somewhere, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Listening in harder I heard a waitress shuffle over while the other workers just stood and whispered. Something was definitely up. I tried to be professional and just waited for the customer's order. A few minutes passed and a soft knock on the kitchen counter brought me out of my daze, the waitress smiled and clipped the order on the railing.
"Two seared cod, one curly fries and one chonky fries to table two please". A smile spread across my face as I heard the order.
Not many people order actual meals from this cafe, mainly because they come here expecting snacks or sweets. I'd call this place a restaurant if it weren't so small.
I washed my hands one more time and got to work.

20 or so minutes later, I placed the two cod on top of a pea purée and dolloped some homemade tartar sauce on the side, before finally shovelling the curly fries and chips into separate bowls. With a quick ding on the bell, the waitress swiftly went through the door and picked up the dishes, neatly resting them on both arms. Looking up at me, a grin spread widely across her face,

"You won't believe who's here" she whispered excitedly.
I tilted my head in confusion and furrowed my brow.

She giggled and shook her head, "just wait.". And with that she practically bounced out the door. I tried peering through the slight gap she left but I didn't manage to get a good look before the door eventually closed.
Going back to clean up my mess, I couldn't help but wonder who is eating my food?
Pointing my ears back towards the door, I tried my best to listen in. I scrunched up my face in hopes it would make me concentrate more, and like magic, I started hearing muffled voices. There was a man and what sounds like a young girl.

"Oh fucking hell" I finally heard. My heart sank and my ears dropped, did I do something wrong?
My thoughts became fuzzy and I awaited for the waitress to come back in with barely eaten plates and later on be given my weeks notice. Minutes passed and the waitress didn't come, I could hear my heart thump aggressively in my cute lil neko ears until I was jolted back to reality by the door creaking open.

"Who cooked this fish?" I heard the same male voice from before. I winced and slowly turned around, putting my hand up weakly, "I did, sir.." I looked up and my jaw dropped in both awe and fear.

Gordon Ramsay?!?!?!

There stood the man, the myth, the absolute mad lad legend, Gordon Ramsay!! Time seemingly stopped as I took in my surroundings, Gordon Ramsay was stood in my work place, a tiny little cat cafe that doesn't even have one Michelin star?! He looked just like he does on tv, he was tall, chunky, and his blonde hair lightly rested on his famous wrinkly forehead; Yup that's Gordon Ramsay alright.

He stared at my gaped mouth for a couple seconds before finally making eye contact. My heart pounded uncomfortably hard as I awaited his criticism..

"That, was fucking delicious." He beamed.
It felt like my heart burst out of my chest in sudden realisation that I wasn't being berated.
"P-pardon?" Was all I could muster.

"That cod was cooked and seasoned perfectly. Where'd you learn to cook like that?" He took a step closer and placed his empty plate on the steel counter.
I looked around in panic, in case this was just an elaborate prank, it was just us in the kitchen. I coughed awkwardly and tried my best to remain eye contact as I replied, "uh.. n-nowhere sir úwù"

His eyebrows rose in shock and he scratched his chin in thought, "really? No where? How long have you been cooking then?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

I blushed deeply at a sudden thought of mine, mustering up the courage I spoke once more, "uh.. maybe a few years now? Y'know.. gotta eat right?" I paused for a second and looked at my feet all embarrassed n stuff u///u "I actually learnt most of my techniques from your shows.."

He gave off a small chunckle and ran a hand through his hair, "ah, I'm flattered. You're really talented for someone who's only been cooking for a couple years, I might have to keep my eye on you." He gave me a wink and I blushed, squinting my face shyly.

"Thank you sir.." I managed to whisper out.

He laughed again and raised a hand, and slapped me hard across the face "please, call me Gordon."

Bowing my head apologetically and repeated myself, "thank you,, Gordon." I glanced up and made eye contact with him one more time before reaching over to grab his plate and going over to wash it up. I flattened my ears under the bandana I had to keep my hair out of my face, scrunching up my nose while deep in thought. I looked behind me and he was still there watching. I hummed uncomfortably before finally chiming in,

"Uh.. so.. what are you doing here? I!! I-I mean, what brought you here? Not that I don't want you here it's just,, you know.. this is a cat cafe.. not.. not a five star restaurant.." I mentally face palmed at that horrible speech.
To my dismay, I heard a light chuckle coming from him once again, I blushed embarrassed hng.
"My daughters cat got run over so I decided to take her here to feel better." He said nonchalantly.
My eyes widened in shock, he sure is blunt.
Discretely looking through the window to the cat area, I saw a fairly grown up girl, maybe 16-17, playing with Tilly. I smiled a little as Tilly wrapped her tail around the girls arm, that means she likes her. "Aw, you not like cats or something? You don't seem very heartbroken." I asked without thought, completely forgetting I was talking to Gordon. As a cat girl I get a little defensive when I think someone doesn't like cats, because what if they don't like me?!?!! I looked up finally in shock at what I just said, Gordon looked taken aback by my words, but quickly went back to his usual smile frown.
"Never been a big cat person myself, but Matilda over here was really worked up. Might as well try to make her happy right? That's what matters." He said.
My gaze softened and a small smile grazed onto my lips, "how sweet. Is that why you're still in here then?" I asked finally.
Again, he laughed, and then stared at me, not breaking eye contact.
"You intrigue me, y/n." He smorked as he looked at my name tag like he was slick.
I got flutterbys in my tummy when he said my name.
"Is.. is that all?" I asked, kind of wishing he could leave at this point so he wouldn't see my beet red face. But deep down I knew I wanted him to stay, I mean, it's Gordon Fucking Ramsay!! He was my biggest inspiration for crying out loud!! After monologging in my head about my cooking journey, I turned to see him standing only a few feet away from me.
I cowered in fear as this old ass wrinkly- I mean intimidatingly handsome man stood so close. I could feel his breath on my face, he smelled like fish, but I liked that because I'm neko.

"I'll be back." He whispered in my ear, I fumbled and tumbled and blushed uwu. He patted my head and swiftly left as quickly as he had entered, luckily I don't think he felt my ears under the bandana.

I stood there, dumbfounded.

Shitted and farded.

It's Nya | Gordon Ramsay x Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now